She’s got your number.

I don’t know what it is about kindergarten, but when Joshua was in it, he became really worried and obsessed with the concept of dying. It was not so much fun, answering all those questions and trying to give him reassurances.

So a couple weeks ago when Sophie, who is now (coincidentally?!) in kindergarten, asked me, “Mom, why do people die?” I was afraid I was in for another few months of fears and explanations.

“Well, honey, at some point our bodies get too old and they just don’t work any more,” I said. (Good one, right? Clearly I am a genius mom.)

That seemed to satisfy her curiosity for the moment, but clearly she kept thinking about it. Because the next morning at 6:30 after Bobby woke the kids for school,  when they both crawled in bed with me for a minute or two like they do each morning, Sophie immediately said, “Mom? How old is Grandma Burns (my and Emily’s grandma)?”

“She’s 87,” I answered sleepily.

Sophie sat straight up and said in yelled in a voice that was not even kind of sleepy, “WOW! She’s ALMOST DEAD!!!”

I clapped my hand over my mouth to hold in my laughter and horror. Then when I had composed myself, I answered, “Well not really honey, it’s just that she’s lived a long time and she probably has less time to live than most of us.” (Really, it was SIX-THIRTY a.m. I am not at my sharpest!)

“Yeah,” she answered matter-of-factly. “Probably like three years, or two, or one.”

So there ya go folks. Sophie knows the number of your days. At least if you’re an octogenarian. Sheesh!

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Happy 6th Birthday, Sophia Diane.

Last night I wrote a really great 6th birthday post for Sophie.  I scheduled it for 5 a.m. today.

And it’s gone. Like it never existed. Not in draft form, it’s nowhere! I’ve searched and searched. This is the first time this has ever happened to me in the 5 years I’ve been blogging.


So I’ll try again.

Dear Sophie,

Happy Birthday baby! When you were born, I was SO excited to have a little girl. Of course, I also had no idea what I was getting into!

Maybe your crazy hair should’ve been a clue!

From the moment you were born, you brought us so much joy. I loved seeing your big brother’s love for you, too.

As you grew, you only got cuter, and sweeter, and more crazy! And I loved you more each day.

You’re exuberance and joy for life has brought light and levity to our family.

I wish I could remember every single moment of your precious life, my girl. You are growing up SO FAST! How did I get from this:


To this:

In just the blink of an eye? I can’t believe how grown up you are, my kindergarten girl!

Sophie, two years ago today, on your 4th birthday, I wrote you another letter. And I cried my whole way through. I was scared and discouraged because your very first IEP meeting had been the day before. At your evaluation you had screamed and cried and pretty much acted like a crazy person and so you gave your evaluators pretty much no idea of who you really were, what you knew, and what you needed to know. And so, they thought some things about you that just weren’t right.

But I knew. I knew who you really were, what you knew, and what you needed to know. And I knew what you were capable of. And I believed in you, sweetheart.

Two years later, you are 6! And so much has changed! You love people and school and friends and learning. You make it very easy for everyone to see who you really are, what you know, and what you need to know. You’re kicking kindergarten’s tail and taking names. You’re having fun and making friends and loving others in a way that makes me so, so, proud.

I love you, Sophia Diane. I love being your mommy!  And I’ll always believe in you, be proud of you, and love the crap out of you. No matter what.

Happy Birthday, baby!

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Bruiser Rapson

I made her pose like this. Yes, I am exploiting my child.

Tuesday as soon as Sophie walked in the door from school, she said, “Mom, um, something happened today. I accidentally punched Ellie (not her real name).”

Uhhh…accidentally? How does one accidentally punch someone?

Well. They don’t, turns out. After lots of coaxing, I got the whole story from Sophie. She and Ellie (Let me stop here and be frank. Ellie’s name has been changed to protect her because, quite simply, her parents did NOT follow the baby-naming guidelines set forth by Jenny’s Life Klass.) were fighting in Literacy Centers over a book. 

Hey, at least it wasn’t over a boy. Books are worth fighting for!

Ellie had the book and Sophie wanted it and Ellie got punched in the chin.

Sophie had to move her behavior clip down to yellow which is only like first-offense, so I guess she didn’t wallop her too badly.

At home, she had to write Ellie an apology note AND her punishment was no screen at all whatsoever for three days. No TV, LeapPad, iPad, computer, etc. Let me tell ya, that hit her where it hurts! But hitting another child is NOT ok. I was both shocked and horrified when I realized what Sophie had done. I know she must’ve been really frustrated, because I’ve honestly never seen her be mean to another child. I’ve seen her have a disagreement, but never be mean or violent.

So, anyway, the next day, the note was delivered, Ellie forgave her, and all was well. She even wrote Sophie a note back that said they could still be friends.

Let’s hope Sophie’s retired her golden gloves for good!

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