Own a Piece of History…

Hurry! You only have twelve hours left to bid on a pair of purple Robeez shoes that once graced the toes of my daughter Sophie, the Toothless Wonder!! Click here to bid on these shoes so I can take the money and buy her a bigger pair. 🙂

C’mon people!! Baby needs a new pair of SHOES!

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WFMW: Help me Wean this Child!

Today is a backwards edition of Works for Me Wednesday, so I am asking you dear readers for advice. Sophie, at 13 months, shows no sign of weaning from the breast. I mean, she will take a cup, except for when, you know, she wants to nurse!! At which time she will a) rub her face on any area of my body she can reach, or b) if I am holding her, pound on my shoulder blades until I give in. (My parents got to witness this phenomenon yesterday. For someone who doesn’t talk much Sophie is a very good communicator.) She also generally makes her trademark nails-on-the-chalkboard screech while doing these activities. I know I am going to have to get tough, but I haven’t had much experience with this because Joshua was vey easy to wean (have I mentioned he was the easiest baby ev-ah??) So, I would like to have this baby girl weaned about 8 weeks from now…how do I do it? Ready, set…solve my problems for me!!

If you want to solve other people’s problems for them, head over to Rocks in My Dryer!

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The Adventures of Kate and Joshua

Friday Joshua, Sophie, and I had the privilege of having Emily’s daughter Kate with us all day. All three kids really enjoyed each other, and I spent the day cracking up at the interactions between Kate and Joshua. Here are some of the highlights!

Joshua: Kate, the letter P makes the sound “puh, puh”!
Kate: I know that already, I have a GAME that TELLS me that. (Em, I am guessing she is referring to Leapster?)

I took the kids to see Emily’s and my Grandma, who adores them. They love her right back. When I told them we were going, I said, “We’re going to see Great-Grandma, cause she loves to see you guys.” Kate said, “I love to see her too! She makes all the food I like!” My sentiments exactly Kate!! My Grandma is an awesome cook, and she always makes something special for the kids, and I always leave her house feelng very fat & happy as well.

The best part of the whole day occurred when we were on our way to my Grandma’s. I switched cars with my hubby, he has a sweet station wagon that enabled me to get all the kids and carseats in the car. Joshua and Kate got to ride in the “very back” of the station wagon and were facing backwards, which they thought was a riot! Their dialogue of what things they were seeing was hilarious. (“Whoa look at that truck! It’s getting closer! It’s gonna get us!) Once we got on the highway, Kate decided to give us a concert. First it was a raucous rendition of the Hannah Montana theme song, sung with MUCH fervor. Joshua really enjoyed that and asked for an encore, WHICH Kate happily obliged him with. Then he asked for “another silly song” so she burst into a silly version of “Old McDonald” which was very imaginiative. My favorite verse was “Old McDonald had a taco”. After that, they sang a duet of the ABC song a few times, which was really sweet, and then we arrived at Grandma’s where they enjoyed a rousing game of “hide & seek”. My favorite part of that was when Kate told Joshua where to hide, then went and counted, then came and looked for him….but didn’t look in the place where she’d told him to hide!

After we got back, the kids were playing and I heard Sophie start to cry, so I walked into the room to see what was the matter. “Joshua,” I said suspiciously, “Why is Sophie crying?” Joshua didn’t have an answer so Kate piped up and said, “Um, because somebody did something.” (Turns out Joshua had take a toy from Sophie that he didn’t want her to have. I swear it was the FIRST TIME that has ever happened. I was SO SURPRISED that he would do that! Are you picking up my sarcasm?” Anyways, Kate’s ability to absolve herself of wrongdoing without naming names and ratting out her homeboy really cracked me up!

All in all it was a very fun day. I am so glad to see the cousinly friendship continuing to the next generation!

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