Allow me to share Sophie’s joy at getting to sit next to daddy at the table like a big girl & share his french fries!

Mommin' It Up since 2004!
One of the many, many, many challenges my darling daughter has given me is the challenge to keep her clothes clean at mealtimes. Girlfriend is an anti-bib baby. She is 15 months now and about 5 months ago she started bib-ripping. First it was just the disposable bibs she could jettison from ’round her neck with ease, then she got good at getting the cloth bibs off. For awhile, she’d keep them on if I put them on backwards, but eventually she outsmarted me there, too. So I resigned myself to using a LOT of detergent and Clorox 2 until…
(angels singing, bright lights shining from heaven)
…the Bebe Belay came into my life!
The Bebe Belay was invented by a mom and is one of those simple but genius things I wish I would’ve been smart enough to think of! It’s basically a cute, adjustable ribbon with two very sturdy clips on each end. It can be used as a pacifier holder, a baby bootie connector, or what I’ve been using it for – to create an instant bib out of a napkin, paper towel, dish towel, or burp cloth. Here’s Sophie with her Bebe Belay holding up one of my (very attractive) dish towels as a bib.
I’ve been using this thing three meals a day for a week and she hasn’t bothered with it ONCE! She acts like she doesn’t even know it’s there! And she’s no longer getting food all over her clothes! It’s a miracle!
What I like best about the Bebe Belay is it’s cute, it’s small enough to easily slip in your purse or diaper bag, and it stays put. The clips are very sturdy and they don’t slip. I also like that it’s affordably priced at less than $10! Well worth it for the time & energy I’ve saved stain-treating Sophie’s clothes. And it’s much nicer to make a bib out of a Bebe Belay and a napkin when you go out to eat than it is to pull that crusty bib out of the diaper bag from LAST time you went out to eat! Click here for a list of places you can buy your own!
The Bebe Belay works for me! For more Works for Me Wednesday ideas, check out Rocks in My Dryer.
But tonight I think I am just going to put them both to bed at 7:30 and leave the house. Hubby may or may not be home from work yet, but if he’s not they’ll be fine right????
Here is the list of their grand achievements of the day.
1) Stay in bed for an hour at naptime without falling asleep even though he was up til 11 last night (Super Bowl grr!)
2) Throw huge fit when he finds out my mom is sick so we won’t be going over to see her today
3) Fall asleep in the car for 10 minutes and throw a huge fit when I tried to put him down in his bed when we got home
1) Lose shoe somewhere between CVS and our house
2) Find a recently-(failed)-refilled printer cartridge I had set in a plastic bag next to the door and -even though she never got it out of the box -manage to spread black ink all over living room floor (thank God for hardwood floors!)
3) Kick tray off of high chair spreading her lunch all over the floor (again thank God for these floors!)
4) Turn off the power strip in our office ending my phone conversation with Emily, and turning off our computer and disconnecting the internet on my laptop
So. Anyways. I’m outta here. Don’t call Child Protective Services, k?