Preschool Makes Me Tired

A few weeks ago I told you about my decision to join a homeschool co-op in lieu of sending Joshua to an actual preschool. He’ll be going on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and will have Music, Art, Gym, and Bible classes. Well, the first day was this past Thursday and it wore us all the heck out! Joshua was really excited, and he looked so cute with his new backpack on! (I got it from Jeni at Carabella’s!)

1st day of preschool


The thing about Joshua attending preschool at a homeschool co-op that is different from “regular” preschool is that I don’t drop him off and go home – I stay there with him (not in his class, though.) All the moms have jobs. Some are teachers, others volunteer in the nursery to keep the younger siblings of the students (which means Sophie can go with us also), some are on the clean-up crew, etc. In the afternoon I am signed up to be the teacher’s assistant for the junior and senior high French classes (oui, oui, je parle un peu de francais). In the morning, I didn’t have an assigned job, but chose to volunteer to work in the nursery after we got there Thursday, because, well…can you guess why?

If you said, “Because Sophie was flipping out and screaming her head off!?” then you are CORRECT! Ding! Ding! Ding! She went ballistic, and there were several other babies and toddlers in the nursery and only two workers, so after three or four minutes of listening to her hysterics from the hallway, I became a nursery volunteer, which I was happy to do. Although Soph was happy to see me, she did not really cheer up and stuck to me like glue for the ensuing two hours.

But back to Joshua. He got just a little bit teary-eyed when I dropped him in his classroom, and again when he caught sight of me in the hallway a few minutes later, but that was mostly for my benefit. He quickly got over it and had fun learning! We were reunited for lunch, after which Sophie and I went to French class. She was soooo tired (she usually naps about 11 or 11:30) and half-hysterical so I didn’t even try the nursery. She was a cranky, fussy distraction during French, but about halfway through the first class (Jr. Hi) I was able to nurse her to sleep. Ever nursed in a class of 10 Jr. High boys? Homeschool boys no less? I think they may have gotten more of an education than their parents were bargaining for! Whoops! After I got her to sleep, she napped on the floor until halfway through the Sr. High French class, so I was actually able to be helpful to the lead teacher that period. Imagine!


By the end of the day, Joshua was so tired, he was a walking zombie. He had a lot of fun though! His favorite class was music, and he brought home two pieces of art and a new plant-in-a-plastic-cup in his backpack. I put Sophie down for a real nap when we got home, then Joshua and I laid down. I got about an hour’s rest, Sophie got two, and Joshua slept for THREE HOURS! Whew! School is HARD!

Next Thursday we do it all again! I am keeping my fingers crossed that Soph will actually stay in the nursery in the p.m. Or maybe I should just decide that this is a good time to teach her French. But no matter what happens, I am happy with my decision. I think Joshua is going to have a great year in Pre-K!

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My Weaner Has a First Name

As I write this, I am sitting on my couch listening to my daughter Sophie chatter over the baby monitor. She is in her crib, but it’s not nap time. She’s there because she wants to nurse, and I want to wean her, and I don’t know what else to do with her. Sometimes she’ll be distracted by a snack, a toy, or a TV show, but this afternoon she’ll have none. She has nursed three times today (it’s about 4:00 and that is the best we’ve ever done. The girl is 21 months old now, and it is beyond time for us to be done nursing. Because before two weeks ago when I really started to try to wean her, Sophie nursed not just in the morning, not just at night, not just at nap time, but whenever she wanted to. Her average was probably 8-10 times a day. It’s just crazy, and exhausting, and as much as I have loved nursing my child, and as much as I have talked about weaning her but not ever done anything about it, I am now READY. Over the past two weeks I’ve really been able to cut back, but the past two days haven’t been so hot. So today I’m trying so hard to stick to my guns.

But I’m sitting here crying on the couch. Nothing feels good or right about any of this. Being a human pacifier didn’t feel good or right, having Sophie try and pull my shirt up in public – definitely not good or right. Having her fuss and climb all over me and having to put her to bed because she wants to nurse and I won’t let her – doesn’t feel good or right either. Now it’s 4:17, and I can’t leave her up there forever!

If someone could please give me a “Magic Weaner” button, that would be super. The process is wearing me down. If I could just wake up tomorrow and be over this hurdle, I’d be one relieved mama.

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Weekly Winners August 17-23…Ok, not really!

Hosted By Sarcastic Mom

Since I didn’t have time to go through ALL my vacation pictures last week, this week I am posting some more of my favorites from our trip to Virginia. Hope you enjoy!

Super-happy Sophie

happy happy joy joy!

Another view from my parent’s porch

another view from the porch

A little lady in my dad’s garden

hellooo, lady

Joshua making a splash at Otter Creek


Fallen Log at Otter Creek

log at Otter Creek

Joshua at Indian Rocks – kudos to my hubby, he took this one!

Joshua at Indian Rocks

This is also at Indian Rocks – a tree growing out of a rock! Also taken by my hubs.

tree growing out of a rock

That’s the best of the trip. Maybe if you’re really lucky, one day I’ll show you the pics I took of myself and my friends during our crazy-wild games of Boggle and Yahtzee! But this is all you get for now. For more photographic feats, go visit the Weekly Winners HQ at Sarcastic Mom!

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