Have I maybe mentioned one or two (hundred) times that I LOOOOVE the Olympics? Well, I do. And the Sochi games are no exception. I am loving watching them every night, and for once in my life, I wish I had cable so I could watch the NBC Sports Network during the day (because apparently I am REALLY missing out on the Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinksi commentary. DANGIT!) But anyhoo. The Sochi games are now far better than any other games I’ve experienced, because I have this fellow Olympics-lover at my side:

And her fresh, un-filtered, 7-year-old commentary is better by far than than Johnny or Tara on their most faaaaaabulous day. She’s so funny that I’ve started a hashtag for her on FB and Twitter – #sophieonsochi. (I mostly put her hilarious comments on FB, but I do throw a couple over to Twitter when I get the chance.) She’s SO funny, that I am considering letting her stay up late this week on school nights because prime time coverage starts at her bedtime and I don’t think the internetz can SURVIVE without her hilarious commentary! Take this gem, for example (sorry American figure skater Jason Brown!):
“Are you sure that’s a boy? Then why is he wearing a ponytail?”– Sophie on Jason Brown #sophieonsochi
Or this one:
“Good thing he’s not on Team USA. We don’t have to worry about it.” #sophieonsochi (After Patrick Chan’s long program – sorry Canadian friends!)
She got really animated during the skiing last night. She LOVES her some Bode Miller. She also loved the copious shots/profiles/etc. of his wife, Morgan. Here’s some of her best Bode-related commentary:
“Oh come on! Bode Miller has to go next! This is ridiculous!” #sophieonsochi
“Bode has a wife. If he gets 12th that’s ok. Man, skiing is hard! I am not doing skiing! No way Jose!” #sophieonsochi
“I wonder when they’re gonna have kids…oh wait, I guess they do have children.” #sophieonsochi #sophieonbodemillerbackgroundp
(I’m thankful that the fact that another woman was pregnant with his child at the time that Morgan and he got married went RIGHT over Sophie’s head. Jeepers!)
“Man, his wife is happy! He’s one of the funnest players to watch. That’s why I love him so much.” #sophieonsochi #sophieonbode
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! At least he still gets a silver medal. Wait, hopefully he will get to go AGAIN and beat him.” #sophieonsochi #sophieonbode
(*Mom’s note: He eventually got bronze, not silver. And Sophie was thought it was super-unfair that he was not allowed to give it another go & try to improve his time.)
Her final two gems of last night were more overall comments – observations of a very astute 7-year-old:
“When you’re watching them slide on snow on TV it doesn’t really look like snow it just looks like white stuff.” #sophieonsochi
“If you snowboard down a big hill with no tricks, it’s pretty easy.” #sophieonsochi
What brilliance will Sophie bless us with next? I can’t wait to hear! She’s teaching me so much everyday…and her disdain for other countries is pretty hilarious too. (“RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA! Whatever!!” #sophieonsochi At least she’s patriotic…)
Don’t forget to follow the hashtag #sophieonsochi for more brilliant live commentary this week! It’s better than cable!