Yesterday I literally (it had been in storage for quite awhile!) dusted off Joshua’s old potty seat and decided it was time for Sophie and her “Big Girl Potty” to officially meet. Here are some highlights!
Sophie thought it would be fun to climb onto the potty backwards and try to fit both her little feet in the removable cup:

Then she got the cup out and played with it for awhile. Which, even though it was clean, totally grossed me out! Finally, I got her to put the cup back and assume the appropriate position:

I let her watch a little TV so she’d chill on her seat. Word Girl is good potty-time entertainment, FYI.

Twice I put her on the potty with no diaper. The first time, “nothing happened” (just like on her “My Big Girl Potty” book!) The second time, I went in the kitchen to throw her diaper away, and she stood up and peed on the floor while I was in there. Ahh, that’s my girl!
So, anyways, it’s begun. You have lots of pee-pee, poop, and other assorted potty talk to look forward to, and I probably have an increased dosage of anti-depressants, Mountain Dews, and Hershey bars to look forward to. GAME ON!