Funny Girl

I think I must be the luckiest mom in the world, y’all. I get to spend every day with this:

baby diva!

Ok, so she’s not always THAT cheerful, but she is a lot of the time. And Sophie and I, we’ve just been having a lot of fun together lately. She’s grown and matured so much from the baby who put up a Olympic Gold Medal worthy wrestling effort every time I tried to get her dressed.

As a matter of fact, I’m starting to feel like Sophie and I aren’t just mother and daughter, but we’re friends. We play and giggle and hug and kiss, and I probably tickle her well, 100% more than I ever tickle any of my other friends, but, you know what I mean. We like hanging out!

My mom used to tell me, “I’m the best friend you’ll ever have.” And lucky for me, she was right. She taught me that to be Sophie’s friend, I also have to discipline her, protect her, and teach her. And I’m privileged to do all of that.

But I’m glad I get to play hide-n-seek and tea party with her too, you know? And I will for as long as she wants me to.

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Happy 3rd Birthday, Sophie Girl

Three years ago today, my Sophia Diane entered the world at 7:31 a.m.

I was very anxious at the end of my pregnancy. I just wanted her out. I couldn’t wait to meet her! I knew she’d have lots of hair. And she did not disappoint! From the moment she was born, people commented on her hair.


When she was about three weeks old, it started sticking straight up.



It finally got heavy enough to lay flat when she was about 6 months old.


Then it turned blonde!


And got really, really long. Maybe because her mommy can’t bear to cut it.

seriously shovel

Her hair is usually the first thing people notice about her. And it is beautiful! I’ve even written more than one post about it.

So, anyhoo, girl’s got a beautiful head of hair. It’s kind of her thing.

Of course though she could be completely bald and she’d still be the most beautiful girl in the world to me. She’s my baby. And I can’t believe she’s three.

At three Sophie is much more independent than she was a year ago. But she still lets me know that she loves me and wants to spend time with me. Being home with her all day is truly so much fun. I love it when she talks to me in her sweet little voice, sings along to her favorite songs, “reads” her favorite books to me, and quotes entire scenes from her favorite TV show, “Word World”. I love her sweetness, her stubbornness, her smile, her touch, and her silliness. I love the way she’ll prance around in a tutu while playing trains. I love the way she ALWAYS tries to climb UP a slide instead of going down. I love the way she asks me “What happened?” or “What’s wrong?” when she wants ME to ask HER those questions. I love the way she always tries to get me to give her Cheez-its for breakfast. I love, love, love, love being her mommy.


So Happy Birthday, Sophie girl. You’re my favorite girl, my sweetheart, and an amazing gift from God. I love you and I am so proud of you!

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The Great Donut Debacle of 2009

Friday morning I needed to go to Kroger to get a few things, and I decided on the way there, being the indulgent mother that I am, to go through the Tim Horton’s drive-thru to get Sophie a donut for a special treat. But then I thought, “Hmm, donuts are so messy. I always get her the glazed donut and the glaze flakes everywhere. Maybe this time I should get her the chocolate dip donut, because the icing is thicker and harder, and it won’t flake off like the glaze does.”

THIS my friends, is where that VERY FLAWED logic got me:


Please note my favorite part of this photo: Sophie’s hair matted with chocolate and stuck to her chin like a BEARD.

The nice people at Tim Horton’s gave me FRESH donuts. As in fresh, dripping with chocolate icing that had not yet had time to harden. And of course, having promised the Soph a donut, it’s not like I could withhold it!

So, the second place this flawed logic and my own dumbness got me, was the parking lot of Kroger with a child covered in chocolate icing and NO WIPES! Because really, I DO have to earn my “Mother of the Year” badge somehow!

I REALLY had to get some groceries for a little shindig I was having, so I could not turn around and go home to clean my child up. Out of desperation, I left Soph in the car, dashed in the entrance of Kroger, and grabbed about 40 kajillion of those clorox wipes they have out for you to clean your cart with.

That’s right! I scrubbed my toddler’s face and hands clean with CLOROX wipes!! Again, I should definitely be up for some fabulous award. She was NONE too pleased with the situation. And as the clorox wipes couldn’t break up the layers of hair matted with chocolate icing, I had to throw her in the bathtub and scrub it out when we got home.

But at least she didn’t look like a mini “Bearded Lady” going through Kroger!

*Sheesh*. The chocolate dip donut was a bad choice. Next time I’m gettin’ the TimBits!

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