Dear Sophie girl,
Today you are four! I can hardly believe it. The years have gone by so fast. Especially the first one, which I barely remember because I was so TIRED all the time because you never SLEPT! Silly girl. But really, I can’t believe you’re four! You are my sweet, sweet, girl. My dream-come-true daughter. And I have a few birthday wishes for you that I hope also come true.
I wish for you, that you will always be who God made you to be, and not who any one else thinks you should be. Just be you, baby. You are amazing!
I wish that you would always find as much joy in the simple things as you do now. In a new book, a new can of play-doh, or a bowl of cheez-its. I hope you always delight in the small, sweet things life has to offer you!
I wish that you will hold on to your love of learning. I love watching how quickly and eagerly you learn new things!
I wish that you would take your stubbornness and use it for good and not for evil. 🙂
And lastly, I wish that you would share yourself with others more. You don’t have to make a million BFFs, but I hope as you get older you will take and use the chances God gives you to bless another few people with the sweetness that is you.
I love you, Sophie! Happy Birthday!
Love, Mommy