When gettin’ clean gets dirty

My darling husband is somewhat particular about his grooming. Which is good, ’cause really?  I don’t want a stinky husband.  He likes Gillette Fusion razors (power of course!), Neutrogena for Men shaving products, and Axe body wash.  So that’s what me and my drugstore savvy get him.

A couple of years ago at Christmas time, my mom asked me for some ideas for what Bobby might like in his stocking.  I told her Axe body wash would be good.  So, she got some for him, and she also got some for my two brothers’ stockings.

On Christmas morning when my brothers opened their stockings there was some serious snickering going on, because unbeknownst to my mother or me, there was a lovely drawing on the back of the Axe bottles of the results of  the “Axe effect” – the drawing was a silhouette of a guy in a shower with two girls. Wow, that’s some pretty powerful body wash!  Of course my brothers thought it was hilarious that their mother would get them this product, due to it’s immoral “effects”.   Bobby knew about the offending label, but he always peeled the back label off his bottles before putting them in the shower, since it was you know, offensive, so I’d never noticed it.

Eventually, the marketing geniuses at Axe changed the label, and now it looks like this: a guy with a chick on each arm, but NOT in the shower.  So, that’s a wee bit better.

This week Axe was on an Extra Care Bucks deal at CVS, so of course I bought some for my hubs.  I sat two bottles on the dining room table and they were still sitting there Monday at lunch, when Sophie picked up a bottle to inspect it.  “Oh!” she said, recognizing that the bottle is the same as the one that’s in our shower,”This is in the bathtub!”  Then, she turned the bottle over and examined the back label.  “Look Mom,” she explained.  “First, you get some water, then you get your friends and give them a hug!”

If Sophie’s explanation is any indication, the good folks at Axe have successfully taken their label from PG-13 to G.  Almost makes you want to lather up with a manly scent and go make some new pals, eh?

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She knows how to make a first impression

This is Sophie’s school picture for her first year of preschool.  They just came home with her this week and I loooove them!  Look at that sweet little face!

One of the fun things about Sophie being in school this year is all the friends she has made (like this guy, for instance).  Yesterday we had a playdate with her friend Dominick for the first time.  Of course the first playdate for the kids is like a first date for the moms – so I was a little nervous.  But I liked Dominick’s mom, Danielle, right away and we had a nice time.

The weather was gorgeous so we were sitting on the patio while the kids played on the swing set.  I was holding Jonah when Sophie approached the patio – I could kind of see Soph out of the corner of my eye, just kind of standing…

“Sophie, what are you doing?” I called over my shoulder.

“Umm…I think she’s about to pee  in the dog bowl,”  said Danielle.


I whipped around to see Sophie with her pants around her ankles, on her way down into a squat above a giant bowl of water for Danielle’s dogs.

I threw the baby at Dom’s mom and grabbed Sophie. “Sophie that is not a potty!  And we do not go potty outside!  We go potty inside!”

“I wanna go potty OUTSIIIIDE!” she screamed as I hauled her bare buns into the house and frantically tried to locate the bathroom.

After she had finished her business, we headed back outside where I reclaimed my baby, but sadly, not my pride.

“I have NO idea where that came from.  I promise you we do NOT use the bathroom outside at our house! ” I tried to assure the woman I had just befriended.  Luckily for me, she laughed it off and did NOT immediately show us the door.

I must admit I was flabbergasted – this really came out of nowhere.  I have NO idea why the Soph thought a giant dog bowl full of water on her friend’s porch would make a proper toilet.

But hey, since I didn’t let her make a literal splash, at least she definitely made a figurative one!

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Baby Mama, part 2

My little Sophie is loving being a big sister, and one of her favorite activities since Jonah’s been born has been supervising his diaper changes.  When we go to the changing table, she selects the diaper for me and gets two, count ’em two, wipes out of the wipes container for me.  She always prophesies that there will be poop in the diaper and if there’s not, she immediately loses interest and leave the room!  If there is indeed poop, she provides color commentary while I clean the boy up.  She, like her mom, enjoys a good poop story.

Sophie has never been much for her baby dolls (she loves her doll house, and doll play sets, but she’s never lovingly carried a baby doll around), but yesterday she found a diaper that goes with her Baby Alive doll and I could see the light in her eyes as she realized, “OMG BFF I can change my baby doll’s DIAPER!”  She then proceeded to take the diaper off and on, off and on of Baby Alive like, 4 million times.  And then, she wanted to know where Baby Alive’s bottle was.

“Well, we can find the bottle,” I said, “or you can feed her like mommy feeds Jonah.”  Again, her eyes lit up.  “I’m gonna give her some milk!”  She then proceeded to lift her shirt a little bit and “nurse” her baby.   My heart melted. A LOT.  It was one of the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen!  After she fed her, she burped her, diapered her again and repeated the process.  It was awesome.  My little sweetheart.

She’s such a great little baby mama!

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