It’s just not a holiday unless I can score some sweet deals. So, I ran out to Rite Aid and CVS this morning. There’s a new printable $5/$25 Rite Aid coupon that I wanted to make good use of. Here’s what I got!

First stop was Rite Aid:
Gilette Fusion ProGlide $9.99
Renu Sensitive contact solution $7.29 (twin pack wow!)
Comtrex $5.99
Oral b toothbrush $2.49
total =$25.76
-$5/$25 Rite Aid printable
-$ 2 Gilette Fusion from 7/4 P&G
-$2 Oral B toothbrush from 7/4 P&G
-$2 Renu printable
-$2 Renu Rite Aid video values coupon
total =$ 12.76 + tax and I got back 7 +UP rewards, 2 for the toothbrush and 5 for the razor. Also I will get back $7.29 single check rebate for the Renu and a $5 single check rebate for the Comtrex. So the total profit for this visit is about 6 bucks. WHEEEE!
Next to CVS. I keep my brother’s family stocked with some of their favorite items (my brother will ONLY use Charmin Ultra STRONG toilet paper – I do not want to know why!) so since many of them were on ECB today I went for it. I got some nice SURPRISES at the coupon scanner too! A $5/$20 good that day only and a $1 off Bounty paper towels good that day only! whee again!

Bounty $6.99
Tide $5.97
Charmin $5.49
Venus razor $9.97
Soothees gel pads clearance $3.00 (GREAT price on these! and I think I will be needing them in a few months, oy.)
total = $31.42
-$5/$20 from CVS coupon scanner
-$2 off Bounty from CVS coupon scanner (got last week)
-$1 off Bounty from CVS coupon scanner (got today)
-25 cents Bounty from P&G insert
-25 cents Charmin from P&G insert
-$2 Venus razor from P&G insert
-$1 Tide from P&G insert
total = $19.92
paid with 6 ECB, paid $13.92 + $1.85 tax, so $15.77. Got back 8 ECB, 5 for the razor, and 1 each for the Tide, Charmin, and Bounty.
Happy Independence from paying full price Day! How did YOU celebrate?