
In approximately 30 days I am going to have a baby.

30 days.

In 30 days I will go from two kids to three. I will have an almost-7-year old, a 4-year-old, and a newborn.

I know it, but I can’t really comprehend it.  On the outside we’re ready; crib, diapers, clothes, car seat – all ready.

But on the inside?  I don’t know.  I’m fairly terrified.  I’m so excited to meet my baby, and so TIRED of being uncomfortably pregnant, but I’m scared.  There’s so much I don’t remember about having a baby.  I have two children who already need, need, NEED me.  How can there be anything left?  Who will meet their needs when I am constantly breastfeeding for the next zillion months?  Will they resent the baby?  Will they resent me for spending so much of my energy on him?  Will they understand that I love them as much as ever?

It wasn’t that hard for Joshua to accept Sophie into our family.  But for Sophie, I think it’s going to be much more difficult to accept Jonah.  She’s been the baby for four years.  And I’m still not convinced she “gets” it – I don’t think she will get it until we bring him home.

Transition scares the pants off me.

But, it’s coming.  Like a freight train with failed brakes!  Jonah has already made his way into our hearts and soon he will be in our HOME.

I just hope I live to blog about it!

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Hey, who wants to hear me whine about being pregnant some more?

YOU do?  Well, ok.  I’ll oblige.

This weekend I was besieged and I do mean BESIEGED by Braxton-Hicks contractions.  I had some with Sophie, and they were uncomfortable, but these have been something different.  I feel like I am being strangled from the stomach up!  They stopped me in my tracks and took my breath away all weekend.  And even though they aren’t painful per se, they still cause me to grab ahold of whatever nearest steady object I can or not be able to stand up straight.

Saturday night I was at my parents’ with my whole family.  I am pretty sure both of my grandmothers were about to look up my OB-GYN’s number in the phone book, so obvious was my discomfort.  By about 8 pm, even I was a little worried!  But I went to bed, was able to fall asleep, and everything was fine.  Sunday went pretty well, too, although after a triple-dip to Rite Aid, CVS, and Kroger my waddle was in full effect.  But about 4 pm, the B-H contractions started up again and things got pretty uncomfortable again for the night.  I sat down as much as I could (if only my children weren’t so darn NEEDY I could put my feet up ALL THE TIME!) but once again I was DONE being upright by about eight.

Umm…listen Braxton-Hicks, we need to talk.  I’ve got 6 more weeks of preschool runs, grocery shopping, the occasional party, and life in general to live!  You need to CEASE AND DESIST.

So who has the solution for me?  So far all I’ve heard is drink lots of water, which I’ve started doing.  Although I must say the B-H and the water combined are making for some fabulous near-incontinence.  Any other advice?  I need to curb these babies as much as I can for the next few weeks!

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At least I don’t Quack

So, if you haven’t heard, Emily and I made our big local news debut this week!  We were interviewed on our partnerships with brands such as Granite Transformations and Frigidaire.  Despite being very nervous about being on-camera, we thought the story turned out great!  You can watch it here.

As a follow-up, we appeared LIVE on the station’s morning show yesterday. Now THAT was nerve-wracking.  I was very nervous about how FREAKING HUGE I am.  You know, the camera adding 10 pounds and all!

When it was time for us to go into the studio, the morning show producer walked us down a long hall and through a maze of rooms and cubicles.  I was walking in front of Emily.

When we got into the studio, she gave me a little pep talk.

If pep talks are supposed to make you want to jump off a bridge.

“Cousin,” she said sincerely, “I love you.  But you WADDLE.”

And then we went on live TV.  At least I didn’t have to waddle on-camera.  I was seated the whole time, so it was more of a beached whale-effect!

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