The Clean-Out

Because potty training is such a major milestone in both a child and a mother’s lives, I’ve decided to regale you with yet another tale from that era of my life. I started potty training Joshua a year ago, when he was about 27 months old. I gave up (the first time) three months later, partly because he just didn’t give a crap (pun intended) WHERE he peed, and he preferred to poop in his pants. Actually, truth be told, he preferred, while we were potty training, not to poop AT ALL, and he became chronically constipated from trying to hold it in for three months! So I set out on a quest to get him regular again. Yes, another thing I can blame myself for: my son’s inability to push one out. Ahh the mother’s guilt! It’s so constant it’s almost comforting….oh wait no it’s not.

To prepare for “Operation: Poopshoot” I went to my favorite book, Toddler 411 and got a list of fun fiber foods to go grocery shopping for. I hit Kroger’s, got the stuff and that evening I was “rewarded” for my efforts with a slightly softer than normal poop from Joshua. I could see that he was going, and he looked at me and he said “It’s ok if I poop in my pants.” (Which is what I had been telling him ever since we ceased potty training. Cause I just wanted him to POOP!) And I said, “It sure is, buddy, you go for it!” So anyhoo, a few minutes later I had to change this bad boy, and it was RANK!! And then I tried to cover it up with Lysol and it almost made it worse! Rank poop mixed with Lysol is just not pretty. Yee-ikes.

The next night, my husband Bobby and I got to “reap the fruits” of his high-fiber diet once again when we were enjoying a family dinner at Boston Market (I was ginomrously pregnant and NOT COOKING at the time) and he LAID ONE ON US. Of course being the stellar parents that we are, we had no diaper bag with us. So then we had to go to Home Depot to get some stuff for the baby’s room and Joshua stunk that place up, and by the time we got home, Bobby’s car was smelling pretty….um…toxic. My husband earned big “Daddy points” by changing that poop when we got home. Here are his comments on that event:

Bobby: “That was the nastiest poop I have ever changed in my life.”
Me: “Was it less hard than usual?” (Meaning: “was it a constipated rock poop?”)
Bobby: “It was very soft, and he pooped through his diaper. And despite my best efforts, I got poop on the floor, on my jeans, and on his jeans. And there’s no way you could’ve changed it without barfing.”

Thus began “The Clean-Out,” as I refer to it. Mmmm…misty water-color memories. After that, Joshua began pooping normally in his diaper for SEVERAL more months until he was finally trained. And by finally, I mean ten months after I originally started training him. As a side note, I’d like to say that Toddler 411 didn’t come out until August 28th, 2006. If it had come out earlier I would’ve realized earlier that Joshua just wasn’t ready for the potty yet. But then I wouldn’t have had such a glorious tale to tell, either

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Mission: PoopPossible

Author’s Note: I originally wrote this in February 2007 after giving up potty training my son for the 4,000th time. I am happy to say he is now trained (only took 4,028 times). But I couldn’t resist sharing this part of my potty-success journey with you!

Two weeks from today, my beautiful son Joshua turns three years old. He’s smart, he knows all his letters, counts to 15, and navigates the PBS Kids website like a pro. But homeboy will NOT go poop in the potty! Or pee, either, but he used to go pee before I gave up on potty training because he wouldn’t go POOP! So now that he’s about to be three, I’ve started thinking about starting up Mission: PoopPossible again. While perusing the glorious world wide web for help with this particular endeavor, I stumbled across a website called On the front page of the site, there’s a quiz to help us clueless parents determine whether or not our little poopers are ready for potty or not. And I’d be honored if you would come along with me as I put Joshua to the potty-readiness test.

1) Does your child relate to and imitate older children?
Yes, he loves his older cousins and is very monkey-see, monkey-do. He DID try to imitate his 4 -year-old-cousin Alan the other day after Alan went potty at our house, and wanted to wear big boy pants, but that lasted approximately 2 hours before Joshua remembered that it is MUCH more convenient to pee in one’s pants.

2) Can your child safely walk to and from the toilet?
Yes, that is a dumb question. He can also run, dance, and hop safely to and from the toilet.

3) Is your child starting to understand where his or her toys and other possessions belong?
Yes, I already said he was smart! Didn’t you read that part? I’m interested in him understanding where his POOP belongs!

4) Is the number of times your child says “no” or responds negatively decreasing?He only says no when he doesn’t want to do what I tell him to do. So, if I were a cooler mom, I am sure the number of times he says no would decrease. But since I am a giant Buzzkill, I would have to respond negatively to the question about him responding negatively.

5) Is your child interested in trying to do things by him or her self?
Yes, one of his favorite phrases is “NO I WANT TO DO IT!” Unfortunately this has not yet applied to going in the potty.

6) Does your child know that some of her peers are successfully using the potty?
Yes, and he is very happy for them, cause he is a nice kid. But don’t start telling me that peer pressure is a GOOD thing or I am going to totally have to re-educate him, and I think I’m too tired for that.

7) Can your child understand what you mean by “using the potty” and “no more diapers,” and can he or she talk about this with you?Me: Hey Joshua, do you wanna wear diapers or big boy pants?
Joshua: Um, I wanna wear diapers.
Me: Why do you wanna wear diapers?
Joshua: I don’t know.
Me: Do you wanna go poop in the potty or in your diaper?
Joshua: Um, I don’t wanna go poop in the potty, cause I wanna stay here with you.

Like the way he kissed up to mommy at the end there? Told ya he’s smart!

8)Is your child’s diaper staying dry longer?
I don’t know, how often are you supposed to change them again?

9) Does your child frequently wake up with a dry diaper?
Negatory my friends. He frequently wakes up reeking of pee-pee though.

10) Is your child stopping play to squat for a bowel movement?
He only poops when playing computer. That’s right, nothing relaxes the bowels like or We refer to all of Joshua’s bowel movements as”computer poos”, cause he poops exclusively while playing games online. So, um, Yes?

Allright, score Joshua with me.

Scoring: One point for each “YES” answer

8-10 points: Your child is probably ready to begin potty training
5-7 points: Wait a month and take the quiz again
1-4 points: You have some time. Wait a few months and retake the quiz

I don’t know what you got, but I’m going to give him a 7, and wait a month and then try potty training again. Now please read with me the part at the bottom of the quiz that’s supposed to make me feel like I’m not a bad mother.

According to the Children’s Hospital Guide to Your Child’s Health and Development, 40 percent of 3 year olds still use diapers. Potty training requires calm, time, attention, and readiness, not a magic point on the calendar.

I don’t know if I’m buying it, but I DO promise to still love my kiddo no matter when he decides to take that magic jumbo dumpo in the pot. I’m putting that little disclaimer in here cause it sounds like the gold folks at might be concerned about that. However, I’m only going to give him til age 5 to start wiping himself. After that, my love becomes conditional!

Thanks for taking this journey in potty education with me. Now please excuse me, as my son’s just finished playing computer, and I have to get my HAZMAT suit on.

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