We have had kind of a rough start to the summer. Jonah has been sick with a bad cold this week (mostly just a cough that wears him out) and has been quite the grumpus, and the weather has been pretty rainy so we haven’t had too many chances for outdoor fun. Yesterday, it was raining and storming quite a bit during the day, and we were all tired. I told the kids they needed to take a 30 minute reading break in their rooms. Jonah had been awake for awhile in the middle of the night because of his cough (therefore so had I) and I knew he was really worn out, so even though he doesn’t usually take naps, I decided to lay down with him to see if he’d drift off to sleep.
He was snoozing away in less than 15 minutes. I excitedly tiptoed downstairs hoping to actually GET SOME WORK DONE since he’d been pretty high-maintenance all week. But as soon as my feet hit the living room floor, I realized the pitter-patter of the heavy rain outside was a little TOO loud. I rain to the front door where I instantly saw and felt that water was pouring in my entryway ceiling.
Most of it was falling on our coat hooks which were still covered in winter coats (yay for me for never putting that stuff away!) but there was plenty of water on my hardwood floors, too. I ran upstairs and grabbed all the towels I could find, piled them on the floor, and then ran to the basement in search of a bucket. Then I removed all our poor coats and mopped up what water was on the floor. A little of the water was kind of missing the bucket and still hitting the coat rack, because it was coming in in kind of a wide area (yippee!) so I hung a towel ON the coat rack, too.
Then I collapsed on the couch. Not much else to do. Happily, the rain only lasted about 30 more minutes. And here’s what I am left with:

So anyway…that was awesome. Fortunately it’s not supposed to rain today, and my handy part-time roofer (full-time teacher) brother is coming over to check it out today to see what we need to do. Besides just wear ponchos all summer.
How’s YOUR summer break going!?!?