The mystery of what’s going on with Kate continues.
We met with a specialist at Cincinnati Children’s this morning, and while we aren’t 100% sure what she has, it looks like she has eosinophilic GI disease. Basically, that means that her body is producing too many of a certain type of white blood cell, which is then causing inflammation in her digestive tract.
But, it might not be that. It might be a parasitic infection, or the beginning of something else. We’re not sure yet.
Kate was hoping to walk away from today’s appointment with a clear diagnosis and directions for what to do or not do, and to be done with it. That’s not what happened, though, and she’s a little discouraged.
I am trying to stay away from the Google.
I feel good that we’re on the right track, and I feel incredibly fortunate that we are close to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, which is THE best place to be treated for these things. So there are definitely positives… I just wish none of this was happening at all.