It’s not easy being Santa.

When I came home from work today, I found this on the kitchen counter.


Too bad that Mommy Claus hasn’t gotten a swimming puppy! I actually had one in my cart at Target last weekend, but I put it back because I didn’t think there was any way she actually wanted this thing.

I mean, look at it.

Looks fascinating, right?

So as I sat down at the computer tonight, I went looked for this thing and found it on Of course, I looked at the user reviews.

Let’s just say that the swimming puppy doesn’t seem to be much of a hit with the moms and dads who’ve written the reviews.

In fact, here’s the first one I read:
“Should be called fall over and float while the legs move back and forth for 2 minutes until water creeps into the battery compartment and goes into the trash puppy.”

Needless to say, I am NOT thrilled by the thought of sinking (haha) $29.99 into it.

But, scroll up and look at that sweet letter to Santa.

So I ask you, what is a person to do in this situation? I am in a true quandary, and time is ticking away.

If any of you are proud owners of a Rescue Pets Swim to Me Puppy and would like to talk me into purchasing it, I am all scary eyes ears.

(P.S. If you are not sick of free stuff yet, we have a great Build-a-Bear giveaway here at Reviewin’ It Up! Go ENTER! Ends Saturday!)

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One of Those Mornings

This morning was definitely one of those mornings. You know, the kind where tears are shed before you even get out the door? Oh yeah, that was us today. And the tears weren’t even just from the kids.

Nothing horrible happened, it was just a collection of little things… I got up late, which never helps, Kate hadn’t picked out her outfit last night so it took a while to figure out what she was going to wear. The big meltdown, though, came when I tied Kate’s shoes wrong. The loops were too big, which is apparently a very. big. deal. So I re-tied them and then went back to finish getting myself ready. When I came back out to where she was, she had taken the shoes off. I was not happy about this development and gave her quite the lecture. I tied her shoes once again, and she told me that Daddy does it better. I was about to chuck the shoes out the window.

After the great shoelace debacle, we went around and around again about what jacket she was going to wear. I couldn’t find the one she wanted, and none of the other 1,938 that she owns would do. Finally Andy found the one she wanted, and we were headed out the door when she turned to me and said in a very sad tone, “I’m sorry I drive you crazy.”

I bent down, told her how much she means to me, and started to give her a quick hug. Then I remembered hearing someone (Oprah? Mother Theresa? Carol Brady? Not sure) say that she never let go first during a hug, that she waited for the other person to release. So I waited. A few seconds later, we were on our way, but both a little calmer because of taking that time to reconnect.

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Weekly (Hallo)Winners Oct. 26-Nov. 1

I’m finally back after weeks of photo-slackin’! Here are some more photos I took of Emily’s and my kiddos trick-or-treating. I hope you enjoy! All my photos were taken with my Sony Alpha 300k DSLR.

Joshua, half-boy, half-hulk:
half-boy, half-hulk

Kate ponders being a princess:

pondering princess

Joshua makes his getaway:

the getaway

Sophie is beautiful even when she’s melancholy:

deep thoughts

And Sammy, well – he pretty much needs to be on the cover of every parenting magazine out there! Look at this kid!

sammy sweetheart

that's how sam rolls!

seriously sammy

For more Weekly Winners, head over to visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom!

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