Hey, Remember That Thing About Me Having a Job?

So remember a couple months ago when I was like “GUESS WHAT? I HAVE A JOB!?”  and then I was like “Jonah picked his nose and shook my boss’ hand and it was so embarrassing!!”

Well. Since those times, I have been working very, very hard. And so have a few other really smart and talented people who know how to build websites. Building the site has taken longer than I had anticipated (because what the heck do I know? Nothing.) but I am excited to say IT’S READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (oops DID I SHOUT THAT? I AM HAVING TROUBLE CONTROLLING THE VOLUME OF  MY VOICE!)

I’m excited. Really, really, excited. And proud. It’s a great site, you guys, and I am super-thrilled to present to you…For Every Mom.

FoMo logo

Go ahead. Click over! Take a peek. And then come back here and leave me feedback. I wanna know what you think, for real. You peeps have been with me and behind me for every step of the way the last seven years and I really care what you think!

Oh and if you really love me, please subscribe to our newsletter! Right now you get a really sweet ebook Keep the Happy in Your Holidays all about saving money and sanity this holiday season, written by my super-smart friend Cherie, the Queen of Free. And if you love me even MORE, please follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter also!

And leave me some feedback!! Can’t wait to hear what you think!

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I don’t know how you do it

I have what is most definitely, without question, a wonderful life. It is not perfect. There are parts of it that are very hard. But it is good, it is happy, and it is full of joy.

The problem is, it is also full of OTHER things. To be honest, my family doesn’t DO all that much. Sophie has gymnastics once a week, Jonah has speech once a week, and that’s about it. My husband works til seven and I am not carting three kids on my own to various and sundry activities. I’m not doing it, because even if they kids wanted to, I couldn’t handle it.

What I do is this: I wake up at 6:30 and help get the big kids ready for school. I get myself dressed and ready, then I wake Jonah up, get him fed and dressed and drive him to school. In the two hours and 45 minutes he’s at school, I will go to the grocery or drug store, or I’ll come home and clean, or write articles for my freelance job, or volunteer for Shoes 4 the Shoeless.  I try and remember to start the crock pot and the laundry during this time, and if I’m lucky, the dishes, too. Then, I go pick Jonah up. Tuesdays we go to speech, other days I give him lunch, we work on speech together for 15 minutes or so (about as much as he will cooperate for at this point) and then at 1:30 or 2:00 I try to get him down for a nap so I can get whatevertheheckIdidn’tgetdonethismorning finished before the big kids bust in the door at 3:15. Oh, except Wednesdays, Wednesdays I load Jonah up in the van about 2:15 and we go pick the kids and their friend up. It is the only day I have to pick them up and I am very thankful for that because I HATE IT. It totally messes Jonah up and Wednesday afternoons are therefore typically frustrating and unpleasant.

(As you’re reading this, it’s Wednesday. And I have spent my morning scouring #%$! thrift stores for a $%#!@ blazer and tie for Joshua because he has to dress up as his book report character Friday. WHY ALWAYS THE DRESSING UP?????? He chose Ronald Reagan.)

Weekends we run errands, go to church and house church, family birthday parties, etc. Sometimes we will have nothing to do, which Bobby and I love, but the kids are NEVER happy about. So it’s invent something to do, or listen to them complain, or punish them for complaining…

This is all I do. It is really not THAT much. And yet, it is more than I can handle. The sad truth is that when the big kids come in the door on weekdays at 3:15, I am almost NEVER ready for them to be home yet. My brain isn’t ready for the constant jabber (Sophie) or the drill-sergeanting Joshua through homework. I always have one more thing I’ve yet to cross off my list, and I’m not ready, I am just NOT READY to have two more living, breathing BALLS OF NEED standing expectantly before me.

I think maybe by 4:00 I could be ok. But I am never ready at 3:15.

This makes me feel terrible every day. As I am writing this, it’s 3:40 and Sophie is watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates and she CANNOT watch it without narrating it for me and I want EARPLUGS I WANT EARPLUGS so I can concentrate and finish this. Yesterday I told Bobby I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. He was at work, we were instant messaging. And he said. “Why? What happened?” And I said “Nothing happened. My brain is just too full and it makes me sad.”

Huh?? I think perhaps I have adult ADD.

And you, all of you? Probably do WAY more than I do. You have more kids, they play sports, or are in Girl Scouts, or you work evenings, or you homeschool…it feels pretty pathetic that I am never caught up on life when I don’t have THAT much to do.

But that’s the way it is. And I’d simplify if I could, but like I said, there’s not that much to cut out.

I think I just suck at being an adult. And I think that I would enjoy life so much more if I could just be still for awhile. But that doesn’t seem to be an option at this stage.

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We’re starting to thaw out from the eternal winter. I think the high will be in the twenties today! I’m sweating just THINKING about it. My big kids went back to school today – on what was supposed to be their third day back. But our local public school district where Jonah will attend preschool cancelled again today. So, I am *hoping* that tomorrow (when the low is supposed to be a balmy 33), he can start preschool. Of course, his preschool is only Monday-Thursday, so he’ll have just ONE day of his first week, and Monday will likely be just like his first day, part deux.

I know I have like, serious mental problems, but this whole delayed start-up has really messed me up. My body clock is off, and my brain is just STUCK – afraid to move forward, perhaps, after so many stops and starts? I’m not sure. All I know is I need to get it cleared, and I feel like nothing will do that except for a real start to our “new normal”.

Our Christmas decorations are still up (Bobby typically takes care of that, and I’m not rocking that boat!), the house is a mess from kids being home for so long, and from a mom who was unable to get out of a cold-snap-induced RUT.

Today I’ve decided will be one last day of just Mommy and Jonah (you know, until Friday, when he never has school – ha! – but he has speech and doctor appointment Friday, so we’ll be busy!) – trying to relax, play, and maybe even going out into the tundra for a special treat. Tomorrow after I drop him off at school (pleaseohpleaseohplease) I’ll be off to volunteer with Shoes 4 the Shoeless for the first time this year!! We’ve got over 400 kids on the list for tomorrow and I think that’s just what I need to snap me back into “go get ’em” mode. Hopefully after I finish there I’ll go to pick Jonah up and he’ll have had a happy morning – that’s enough to put me on cloud nine all weekend!

Have you ever gotten into a rut like this? I’m not a very organized person, but I sure have found that some semblance of a routine really makes me a lot happier.



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