Not a Chance

Tuesday night Andrea, Emily, Cortney, Katie, another Andrea, Tricia, Marianne and some very other cool local bloggers were at Books & Co. for the book signing of our super-cool famous friend Erin Chase and as Erin was greeting all her enthusiastic fans, we sat around and chatted. The topic quickly turned to how fabulous Emily looks after having reached her weight-loss goal with Weight Watchers. Then it turned to what everyone was trying to do to get in shape. Cortney’s working out, Andrea is a runner, Marianne’s a runner…and I…am not. My contribution to the conversation was:

“I’m so out of shape. But, it’s kinda my thing!”

Oh, ha ha ha, Jenny’s so funny…but it’s TRUE! I literally break out in hives when people start talking about running 5ks and half-marathons and crazy crap like that. Eeek!

Then last night on twitter I started seeing stuff like this:


*breaks out in cold sweat*

Eventually it was tweeted as a suggestion that I join this effort, to which I replied, that such would happen when HELL FREEZES OVER.

Then my “friends” thought they would be funny! Andrea tweeted this and it was re-tweeted many times:


Oh, so, funny, really I am dying laughing. {sarcasm sign}. You girls may know the way to my heart, but you do NOT know the way off my a$$.

Besides, as I think I have proven many times, I can get my own bags of Mary Kay, Lands’ End clothes, and cute boots!

But you know, have a great time doing that 5K! I’ll be cheering you on from the comfort of my cozy Lands’ End sweaters and Sorel boots!

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