Gotta Go!: The Public Potty Predicament

The lovely Pinks & Blues Girls are having a contest to go along with their Ladies Room Initiative. It’s called the Gotta Go Giveaway, and as usual, I wanna win! So here’s my story about the most frustrating public restroom experience I’ve ever had.

About three weeks ago, I took the kiddos to Big Lots, which I frequent, because I am extreeeemely thrifty. Joshua, Sophia and I were scoping out the toy aisle (having already loaded up on Gerber baby food for 25 cents a jar, woot woot!) when I smelled something stinky. “Joshua, do you need to go potty?” I asked my three-year-old. “No,” he answered, meaning, of course, “Yes, but I want to stand here and look at toys, so I’m currently in poop denial.” Even though I wasn’t keen on taking him to the potty at Big Lots, I was even less keen on him pooping his pants in my car on the way home, so I pressed the issue and we went in search of the ladies’ room. Which I soon found was a one-holer that was already occupied. So we waited and I encouraged my son to hold it (he had by now come to terms with needing to poop) while we waited for the person in the stall. Finally the lady came out and I rushed my kiddos into the stall. You can’t take the cart in the rest room (not that it would have fit inside anyways), so of course, there was nothing I could do with Sophia (8 months) but set her on the FLOOR, which much to my horror was quite dirty. So I set her down as far away from the toilet as possible, while still keeping her in the stall with me. I took her little hands and put my purse in them, praying she would just hold on to the purse and not touch the floor. Then I held Joshua on the toilet while he pooped. He is super-skinny and his buns will fall right through a regulation-sized public toilet, so I still have to hold him on. (Since women of child-bearing age are the target customers of most retail stores, including Big Lots, I think it is ridiculous that NONE of them has a child-sized potty! Or sink!!)

So anyways, he laid down a deuce, I wiped him, collected my daughter, and hoofed it out of there! Since I definitely didn’t want Sophie to sit out on the floor under the sink with all the dirty paper towels that were on the ground while I helped Joshua wash his hands, I just hosed all three of us down with Purell when we got in the car.

I suppose it could’ve been worse, but it was very frustrating and YUCKY to have my kids in that situation. So, the moral of the story is: Closeout prices do NOT buy nice restroom facilities!

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The Power of One Contest Winner!

Drumroll Please….the winner of of our Power of One Contest is Jenny Blattman! Here is Jenny’s winning comment:

“For me, it’s got to be the Power of One Mother-in-law. I had a breast reduction when I was younger so breastfeeding was never a guarantee. My son was 11 lbs at birth and jaundiced. So a)he was really hungry and b) needed to eat often to get the billyrubin out of his system. Oh, and I was recovering from a c-section – only way to get an 11 lbs kid out of me! My mother-in-law spent 3 (maybe 4… can’t remember) nights with us because we needed to wake up and feed Ryan every 2 hours! The feeding process (wake up, diaper change, feed, diaper change, back to sleep) took at least an hour. You’d get to sleep and he’d need to be fed again. She was there for us, doing all the fiddly stuff with him and allowed us to sleep. She was amazing! Thank you!!!”

According to Jenny’s blog, this is the THIRD contest she has won recently! WOW! You must be your own lucky charm! Congratulations Jenny, and thanks to all who entered! Your comments were truly inspiring!

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More contests we are telling you about because we want to win!

Oh readers! Check out these awesome contests!

Over at Ashwin’s blog, you will find one crazy blog owner!! You can win $2500!! To enter just copy this text and paste it in your blog!! But hurry, this competition will not last long! So get posting!

There’s another great contest at 5 Minutes for Mom. You could win a GINORMOUS 37″ Flat-Panel LCD TV courtesy of Best Buy! Click here for all the contest details!

If one of you wins make sure to let us know! If we win, you will definitely know!

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