It’s the mooooost wonderful tiiiiiime…of the year (sing it with me!) Unfortunately it can also be the most crazy, anxiety-inducing time of the year. We are all running around like overly-tightened (China-made) wind-up toys, beating down that path to Christmas day, but if we don’t take time to stop and chill a minute, we will soon bust a spring and just keel over and stop working. Seriously, what good are we going to be to anybody if we just flop over at the waist with our heads skimming the ground and our arms splayed out like the Y-M-C-A gone wrong?
NO GOOD!! No good, people!
So it’s time to quit! Quit running around. Finish your shopping online and pay for speedier shipping if need be. You’ll make it up in saved gas! Use the time you saved not walking the mall to read an extra story to your kiddos. Say “no” to that extra holiday party you really don’t have time (or have lost the will) to attend. Stay home. Be a family. Reeee-lax.
Lately I’ve just been feeling reallllllllllllllllly thankful. Thankful that God meets my family’s needs. Thankful I have a husband who works his butt off to provide for us. Thankful that I can be home with my kiddos every day. Thankful for Joshua’s funny phonics and Sophie’s tempestuous teething. (Still no teeth by the way. Zero. Zilch. Nada.)
I know Thanksgiving is past, but the time for thankfulness has not. I am so thankful for this season. I am so thankful for Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection. I am so thankful that God cares about me and my family. I am so thankful I can blog with my cousin, and I am so thankful that all three of you all read our musings.
Today my challenge to you is, stop being so busy being busy, and start getting busy hangin’ out with your peeps and being thankful. It’s way more fun and way less dangerous than getting into a fist fight over a parking space or clawing someone’s eyes out over that last $299 laptop at Best Buy. Do you want your kids’ Yuletide memories to be warm fuzzies of a happy, fun-to-be-with mama or therapy-session inducing tales of Stressy McSnappertons?
If you are picking up what I am laying down, slap down a comment full of gratitude. Tell me what you’re thankful for, or what you’re giving up to be happier at home this Christmas season.
Time for some kiddo cuddling! Blog atcha later!