So I just finished reading Kate her bedtime story, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Stuff (not to be confused with The Messy Room), and it occurred to me that we are having the very same problem as Mama, Papa, Brother and Sister Bear. We have too much crap.
Wayyyy too much.
We have too much in our closets, too much in our garage, too much in our basement and too much in our storage areas. There is stuff everywhere! (ok no need to call Dr. Phil, I am not a freaky hoarder or anything – this is just a run-of-the-mill too much crap problem.)
And unlike the ever-resourceful Mama Bear, I can’t seem to take care of it in 12 pages one afternoon. In fact, I spent all last week trying to clean out the garage, and except for about 45 minutes when Sam napped on Monday, I couldn’t find the time to do it. And if I can’t find the time to do things like that while I’m on maternity leave, when will it ever get done?
I need to figure out a way to make this happen. I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff! But I don’t know how. So once again I turn to both all of you readers for help.
How do you deal with having too much stuff? How do you make time to go through and sort everything? What do you do to get rid of what you don’t want? Goodwill, garage sales, Ebay, or something different? And, once you’ve dealt with the problem, how do you keep from accumulating stuff all over again?
I eagerly await your ideas, because I am striking out!
And yes, Jenny, I know what can be done with all of our girl clothes… you’re not going to need to shop for Sophie for a long, long time. You can pay me in toothpaste and pizza rolls.