I am the world’s worst train track builder. It takes me forever to build one, and I am always getting myself in situations where I have to undo a bunch and redo it…last week I actually got so frustrated I went to Toys “R” Us and dropped twenty bucks on adapter pieces of track because I can’t just BUILD A TRACK! Adapter pieces are the ones that have two “male” ends or two “female” ends. So you can use Thomas the Tank Engine to give your kids the “Birds & the Bees” talk one day or something.
I hate building train track. When Joshua asks me to build one, I do it begrudgingly and with much “harumphing”. I think about all the things I could be getting done while I am wasting my life away building this stupid track that he will play with for five minutes and then take apart.
But man, is it gonna suck when he stops asking me to build them. He can already build good tracks himself…but he still likes to watch Mommy and Daddy do it. One day, he’s not going to want to sit with me while I build a track. And another day, he’s going to be too big to want to play with trains anymore.
That’s really why I bought the adapter track, I guess. So I can hang in there with him a little bit longer. So I can watch him jump up and down while I build and listen to him tell me what a great job I’m doing. So I can see his little face light up when he gives that new track it’s first test run. So I can hear him make up his own story about Thomas “puffing down the line”.
Why do I hate building train track again?
I seem to have forgotten.