At the beginning of the school year this year, I did something crazy for me. And then I got even crazier and I told you about it. I started a schedule. A schedule for eating, tweeting, blogging, exercising, chores, and yes – EVEN – PARENTING! I was really surprised by how much I actually loved being on a schedule. It was great.
But…I only made it ’til about Labor Day. (Just a shade over two weeks! Wow, I’m an overachiever!) Around then, something happened, and I got out of my routine. And for some reason, I never tried to get it back. So instead of a nice routine, a pleasant schedule, I’ve got myself thoroughly enmeshed in an unorganized, unproductive, daily grind.
I allow myself blog, email, and twitter too long in the mornings, I take my shower too late, I never eat breakfast until about 10:30, and if I eat lunch at all, it’s usually about 2 or 2:30 when I feel like I might die so I grab a Mountain Dew and a hunk of cheese/chocolate/cookie dough or something else not very, ahem, well-rounded.

What? That’s not healthy??
So. I have got to break up with this grind. The problem is, I don’t really want to. It’s like the grind is the boy we date in high school that we know is bad for us but we date him anyways because he’s mysterious and exciting! (I say, “we” because, well, I never dated a bad boy. But you get my drift.) I haven’t been brave enough to break up with the grind and go back to my sweet, sensitive, attentive schedule. And the truth is, I do know why. It is because I am afraid of failing again. And failure seems so much more acceptable to me when it’s the product of a lack of effort.
But. I have decided, win or lose, to make the effort a second time. For myself, my family, my house, and my sanity! And once again I am crazy enough to tell you about it. So why don’t you do me a favor and ask me how it’s going? And while you’re at it, leave me some tips to help me stick with my fresh, new routine!
This article about making mornings easier is part of the Kraft Bagel-fuls “Break up with your Breakfast Routine” sweepstakes. Visit BlissfullyDomestic.com for all the fabulous details.