
Sammy had his 3 year old check up yesterday. I’d always thought people who said their kids got sick after well visits were full of it. That is, until Sam started throwing up at 5 a.m. And then again at 6. And then again a few minutes ago.

So he and I are hanging out at home all day and I’ve been trying to think of all the things I should get done with this unexpected day off. So far, I’ve eaten a bowl of cheerios and checked Facebook. I can check those things off the list! I should probably move his sheets and pajamas from the washer to the dryer… after I drink my coffee.

I also have another situation to deal with that completely perplexes me and I’m not entirely sure what to do about it. For the moment, I’m not doing anything about it, which I’m sure doesn’t sound like a big deal until I tell you that it involves my living room, a trash can, and vomit. Yeah, I should probably get to work on that. But like I said, I haven’t figured out how to deal with it, and I’m not sure google is going to be able to help me out with this one. I think calling my grandma would be more effective; she can clean anything.

Wow, I sound like Jenny with all this talk of body fluids. My apologies.

So anyway, we’ll see how this day shapes up, but right now my to-do list looks something like this.
1) Transfer laundry to dryer.
2) Toss trashcan out the back door.
3) Snuggle up with my boy.

That should about do it.

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6 Replies to “Today”

  1. I recommend tossing the trashcan outside and letting Andy hose it out when he gets home. That’s what husbands are for.

  2. WOW! I hope Sammy feels better soon!! We found out the hard way that Josie and chocolate milk while riding with Paw Joe doesn’t mix well and she gets sick…we’ve had that lesson 3 times now….ewww! I’m with you on chuckin’ the trash can out back…but I would make sure you chuck it hard enough to clear the fence line…then no one can blame you once the rain washes it out, cause seriously, with all this’s bound to get clean itself!
    I do like the idea of Gram coming to the rescue though!

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