The End of an Era

Last weekend, something changed in our house. It was a change that was inevitable, but still one that I was hoping to put off for as long as possible. Last weekend, in Joshua’s lingo, Bobby went from being Daddy to being Dad, and I went from being Mama to being Mom.

It started out as an experiment. He started calling Bobby “Dad”. He used it at the end of every sentence. “Let’s go play computer, Dad.” “I need to go potty, Dad.”

I tried to combat it. “Joshua, why are you calling him ‘Dad’? His name is ‘Daddy’!”

“I like Dad!” he said.

The next day, it was my turn. “I’m hungry, Mom.” “Where are we going, Mom?”

“My name is Mama. Call me Mama.”

“I like to call you Mom!”

It’s been a week, and he’ll let the occasional “Mama” slip when he’s tired or excited, but 99% of the time he calls me “Mom”. He sounds so grown-up and smart doing it! He’s still saying it at the end of every sentence, still testing out the way it feels rolling off his tongue, but I’m pretty sure my new moniker is here to stay.

Makes me sad. I want him to be my baby and I want to be his Mama!

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6 Replies to “The End of an Era”

  1. It must be an age thing. gabbi did it too at about the same time. BUT there is hope! Isabel has started trying to say mama this week 🙂 may be that is why we keep having kids 🙂

    Joshua will always be your baby…my “baby” is 13 but he is still my baby.

  2. Ah yes… the days of “dada” are long gone. My son called me “man” the other day. It was in front of some older kids, so I knew he was trying to be cool (he’s five! they care about that these days, apparently). I was riding my bike at the park with him and he decided to check out this bush that doubled as a fort. Some other older kids were also in there. I asked “will you be alright in there?” He waved me on and responded, “yup, ride one, man. I’ll be ok.”

  3. Let’s just hope that he doesn’t stop calling me “Muck” anytime soon. I am sure that I have to be the only one in the world. That place of honor will be hard to give up.

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