Perfect Day

Yesterday was just about perfect. Amazingly nice weather for late October in Ohio, my husband was home, and we actually had *nothing* planned. (That’s right people. Leave us alone. We are tired of being busy!)

So, we played!

We played out in the yard:

Hide and Seek. Sophie is counting & Joshua is dashing off to hide.
Taking a breather after a heated footrace

Then, Bobby and I decided to take the kids to a nearby church parking lot to ride bikes, since we live on a very busy street with a very bumpy sidewalk, Joshua has yet to learn to ride his two-wheeler without training wheels, and Sophie has just started to really get interested in her bike.

It was SO! Much! Fun!

Color-coordinated with the bike. Oh, yeah!

Sophie mastered her bike (thanks to her friend B for handing it down to her – Krista – don’t tell B that Joshua broke the bell! Whoops!)  and she was soooo cute and so proud of herself!

cheeser bike
show off!

Joshua didn’t quite get all the way independent on his bike yet, but he had an awesome time and was getting really confident.  He didn’t want to leave when it was time to go.

We were all really hot, so we went to Dairy Queen after we rode bikes.  The little one by our house is a walk-up, so we had to eat outside.  Which was fine, because it was such a beautiful day!  Until all of a sudden a gale-force wind started pummeling us and we became freezing cold and our ice cream became endangered!  Sophie’s cone was practically blowing in rivulets at her face!

So, we had to abandon ship and head for home.

No worries, I took my cone with me. 🙂

So, it was nearly perfect.  We had such a wonderful day as a family! I’d just about give my arm for one like it next weekend, too.

How was your weekend?

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4 Replies to “Perfect Day”

  1. So glad that the bike is being enjoyed! I could hardly believe B outgrew it so fast. SoSo looks adorable in her biking gear!

  2. My weekend was expensive…new tires…If you’re gonna spend $843 on something you should be able to wear it and show it off!


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