Ode to SoSo: Crazy-Haired Girl!

My baby girl Sophia Diane will be one year old this Friday. (And yes, I HAVE decided on a cake, which I’ll reveal after her party on Saturday!) So, in honor of this milestone, I’ve declared it “Ode to SoSo” week here on Mommin’ It Up (with Emily’s consent of course)! Each day this week I’ll be posting about my crazy daughter. Today’s “Ode” is an Ode to Sophie’s hair. She was born with gobs of really dark brown hair (as was I). I was so excited to see all that hair on her ginormous head when she was born. I was just sure she’d have it and she did! My excitement turned to consternation when I discovered that it really had a mind of it’s own. When Sophie was about 3 weeks old, her hair started sticking straight up. Like, WAY UP. At first I tried taming it with conditioner, but it’s gravity-defying powers were too strong, and I soon came to love its craziness. It was adorable and endearing. She did go through a bit of a baby-awkward phase though. My brother commented to her when she was eight weeks old: “Sophie, I hope you don’t have that hairstyle and acne in your 8th grade school picture!” (It’s amazing I made it through adolesence with my self-esteem intact. My brothers were like a deadly tag-team of teasing.)

Sophia’s crazy hair lasted about five months, then magically one day, it got heavy and laid down! I had gotten so used to it, and to all the conversation it inspired, that I was really sad to see it go! Here’s a prime example of her naturally wild hairdo. This is her at three months of age, with Joshua. I swear I did not do anything with her hair except try to brush it down! No Dep, Rave, or Dippity-Do was used in the creation of this baby hairstyle. It’s 100%, all-natural Sophie-So.

Sophia’s crazy hair is gone but her crazy personality is still going strong! I’m so thankful for my exuberant daughter and I look forward to bringing you more tales from her first year this week!

(Side note: For those of you who read my post about Portrait Innovations, this picture was NOT taken there. It’s the last one I got done at my old picture place.)

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8 Replies to “Ode to SoSo: Crazy-Haired Girl!”

  1. My baby’s hair does the same crazy thing! No matter how thoroughly I soak her head, ten minutes later the back of her hair pops up and over…her hair is really thin so it looks like a bad combover that belongs on a sixty year old guy named Milt, not my baby girl!

  2. That’s just adorable!! Seriously, I may be hormonal, but it just made me want to cry it’s so darn cute! She’s going to hate you for sharing that though!

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