Monday Monday Monday!

Mondays are always busy around here, but today is especially busy.  Here’s what’s on the rocket-docket (as the cool kids say):

8:30 leave to take Sophie to school

8:45 drop Sophie off

8:46 Jonah and I go Krogering

9:25 (hopefully!) arrive home

9:26 put Jonah to bed

9:35 unload groceries

9:45 breathe

11:00 (if not sooner) Jonah wakes up

11:00-11:15 feed and change Jonah

11:20 leave to get Sophie at school

11:30 pick Sophie up

11:45 arrive home, make lunch

12:15 Mommy & Sophie work time

12:45 get Sophie dressed for gymnastics

1:10 leave for gymnastics

1:45-2:45 gymnastics

3:15 arrive home, Joshua arrives home from school

5:00 leave for Emily’s house for our trick-or-treating tradition!!!!

5:30 arrive at Emily’s, stuff faces with pizza, stuff kids into costumes


8:00 drive home

8:30 hustle kids to bed

9:00 fall down dead exhausted

*Shew*!!  It’s going to be a crazy day! What are YOU doing?  Can’t wait to post our trick-or-treat pictures!

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3 Replies to “Monday Monday Monday!”

  1. 5:15 – wake up for work

    7:45 – hit the mdcs drive thru for a large hot nonfat caramel mocha with no whipped cream

    8:00 work

    12:00 home for lunch to check on the kitchen sink which has been clogged since Thursday… arriving to my landlord fixing it 🙂

    1:00 back to work

    4:30 leave work, go pick up kiddos, deliver fundraising stuff that people bought from the kiddos maybe a quick trip to target. who am I kidding… my trips to target are never quick.

    5:30 tutoring at Malone University or the kiddos… and I get an hour to sit and read and do nothing else. sigh.

    6:30 home to fix and eat dinner (or maybe a drive thru on the way to and/or from target… if I get there) and chores and go over school folders with the kiddos.

    8:00 time to get the kiddos ready for bed… settle into a night of overtime from home until I get too tired to focus

    10:00 – bedtime… I hope.

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