I Swear, I Do Love My Children

But tonight I think I am just going to put them both to bed at 7:30 and leave the house. Hubby may or may not be home from work yet, but if he’s not they’ll be fine right????

Here is the list of their grand achievements of the day.

1) Stay in bed for an hour at naptime without falling asleep even though he was up til 11 last night (Super Bowl grr!)
2) Throw huge fit when he finds out my mom is sick so we won’t be going over to see her today
3) Fall asleep in the car for 10 minutes and throw a huge fit when I tried to put him down in his bed when we got home

1) Lose shoe somewhere between CVS and our house
2) Find a recently-(failed)-refilled printer cartridge I had set in a plastic bag next to the door and -even though she never got it out of the box -manage to spread black ink all over living room floor (thank God for hardwood floors!)
3) Kick tray off of high chair spreading her lunch all over the floor (again thank God for these floors!)
4) Turn off the power strip in our office ending my phone conversation with Emily, and turning off our computer and disconnecting the internet on my laptop

So. Anyways. I’m outta here. Don’t call Child Protective Services, k?

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13 Replies to “I Swear, I Do Love My Children”

  1. Faith is already in bed for the night for shouting at me. She is having some extra time to “think about her attitute” this evening.

    Oh, and MY DOG WAS PINK on Friday.

    Just think, I am sure that we put our mothers through similar days when we were kids. My mom likes to reflect about, “Remember when you and Mike got into the leftover Halloween makeup and tried to take it off with toothpaste?” But it soundsd like a good idea at the time.

    Just like it “seemed like it would be fun” to my sweet little daughters to MAKE MY WHITE DOG PINK!

    I’m right there with you, my friend. We all have those days.

  2. Sounds like one of my days! Last week I definitely had to put Meg down at 7 PM. She was driving me crazy!! But, guess what? She actually slept, so that must have been what she needed. Tommy and his antics have been keeping me up at night on a regular basis so I rarely have a large enough dose of patience for the day. We’re working on it… Hope today is better for you!

  3. Been there. I’ve told Wayne I was going to run away as soon as he got home from work!!!! When my daughter was a baby, I had to step outside once while she was in her crib. I just needed to be AWAY from her for a minute!!! I think all moms go through this. Here’s hoping today is better for you!

  4. Ugh. The off-synch nap/non-nap. That is my nightmare. And you just KNOW if they don’t get that nap, the second you get in the car to go anywhere, they are out. I try my best (sing at the top of my lungs, quiz him, talk about Bionicles), but it’s one of those laws of physics.

  5. My daughter asked if she could stay up until 8:30 last night (instead of 8:00) and I practically yelled, “NOOOOOO!” at her. I couldn’t wait for them to get in bed after an afternoon of their arguing.

  6. We all have moments when we need some mommy space.

    Go for it girl!!!

    Hell, strap them to their beds a la Mommy Dearest if you have to! 😉

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