Fun With Competitor’s Coupons!

Since I found out that my local CVSes take competitor’s coupons, I had a bit of a field day, or field week this week! I went to CVS WAY too many times, but here are just a couple of my transactions. Twice the cashiers who rang me up didn’t even KNOW that they took competitor’s coupons, depsite a sign at the register that said so. Uhh…so I guess I gave them an education!


Here we have:
1 Schick Intuition at $8.88 (purchased for my homegirl Luanne)
1 pair of clogs for my baby boy Joshua $5.99
1 Colgate toothbrush $3.99
1 Bday card for my old lady friend Breck 99 cents
total =$19.85
$3/$15 CVS coupon
$4 off Schick Intuition coupon
$3 off Schick Intuition WALGREENS ES CATALOG coupon (woot woot!)
$1 off Colgate coupon
= $8.85, paid with $7.99 in ECBs and 64 cents cash, and got back 9.99 in ECBs. (6 for the Intuition razor, and $3.99 for the toothbrush!) Hootie Hoo!!


Next we have:
1 Gallon milk $3.19
1 Pledge $2.99
1 Advil $3.99
2 Colgate Max Fresh $5.98
1 Viactiv $5.49
total = $21.64
$4/$20 CVS coupon
$2 CVS Pledge coupon (emailed to me. It expired 5/4 but my CVS takes them for 30 days!)
$1 Pledge manufacturer coupon
$2 Advil coupon
Two $1 Colgate Maxfresh printable coupons
$2/$2 Colgate Maxfresh WALGREENS ES coupon!!
$3 off WALGREENS in-ad Viactiv coupon!!
$2 off Viactiv manufacturer coupon
total= $3.64
paid with a $3 ECB and some change and got back $7 ECB!! 3 for the Viaciv and 4 for the toothpaste! I got paid almost $4 to buy this stuff!!!

Finally, we have:


Adidas deodorant $4.99
Viactiv $5.49
Advil $3.99
Burt’s Bees lip gloss clearanced for $1!! Yay!
Total = $15.47

$3/$15 CVS coupon
$3 off WALGREENS in-ad Viactiv coupon
$2 off Viactiv manufacturer’s coupon
$2 off Advil coupon
Total = $5.47
Used $5 ECB and 34 cents cash and got back $7.99 ECB! 4.99 for the deodorant and 3 for the Viactiv!

Thanks CVS for taking Walgreens coupons!! You are my BFF drugstore!

Now on to Kroger – the grocery deals haven’t been too hot around here lately, and I made a sort-of big trip to Meijer last week, that wasn’t really worth mentioning. But finally Kroger had some good deals this week! I got all this:
For $11.59!! The total before coupons and promotions was $29.59! So I saved $18! The cereal was 4/$10 and if you bought 4 you got an additional $4 off your order. Of course I had four of the $2 coupons for the Chocolate Honey Bunches of Oats, so I ended up getting paid $2 to buy these! The Nestle Quik chocolate milk singles were free with doubled coupons, too. Yay!

Well that is all I got folks! To see more, head over to the “Cents”ible Sawyer for CVS Superstars and to our guru Money Saving Mom for Super Savings Saturday!

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10 Replies to “Fun With Competitor’s Coupons!”

  1. So incredibly jealous!!!! I wish my CVS took competitor’s coupons. Lucky girl

  2. Unbelievable! I’m serious. I don’t know how you do it! I think you may be the most successful person I’ve ever met.

    Now, hoooook me up with some chocolate clusters, would’ya?!?

  3. Okay, I read and I read and I read your blog and I try and I try and I try to get it…. is there a book for dummies on how you do this??? Or a simple way like “Tiffany its like this….1..2..3…A>>>B>>C>>>????” Any such luck?? I went to the one site way back when and just got more cornfused….ugghhh…I dunno you are like AMAZING with this and I wanna be like you when I grow up!!!!!

  4. Ok, I have to know what area your CVS is located. I have checked with my 3 area stores and they all act like they have never heard of this and I have been looking for the signage.

  5. Jenny, can you really stack walgreens coupons with manufacturer coupons? I have been afraid to try…….I had fun using walgreens coupons this week at the lebanon cvs – it is the only one in my area (warren county ohio that I have found will take them). Thanks for the tip!!!!!

  6. Just checking in to make sure you’re still at it. Didn’t have to scroll too far down 😉 And not only that, you’re innovating. Guerrilla couponing? Let me just say I’m glad I’m on your side.

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