Cleanin’ Up at Kroger and Whoopin’ Up at Walgreens!

Hola Super Savings Saturday readers! If you, like me, love bargain shopping, please read the post below this one where my co-blogger Emily analyzed my baragin-hunting “addiction”. Even though she is ridiculing me mercilessly, it’s still pretty entertaining!

The CVS deals weren’t too hot this week, and there weren’t any dollar-off coupons to bed had, so I just went for necessities like milk and Mountain Dew. 🙂 But I also went there to get my hubby a Valentine’s Day gift! One of the beauties of CVS is that when they have great deals you can “make money” on, you sometimes end up with more ECBs than you really need. This week I found myself in that situation so I was able to “buy” my hubby something he really wanted for Valentine’s Day from CVS. It’s this heart rate monitor/watch that he’s been wanting to keep track of his heart rate while he’s exercising. It’s $59.99 at CVS and more than I would normally spend for a Valentine’s Day present for him! But after a couple of CRT’s and a lot of ECBs, I paid just 9 cents for the monitor, a Valentine’s card, a Reese’s cup, and some lotion (CVS brand hand lotion that I had a Free CRT for. It’s good stuff too!) Yay! This is just one of the many reasons I heart CVS!


I was really excited about my trip to Kroger this week. Joshua’s birthday is coming up and I wanted to get all the ice cream and cake mixes I would need for his party. Kroger also had the same Totino’s pizza roll deal they had last week, and I had enough coupons to get 9 boxes for close to free. The pizza rolls, ice cream, and Chef Boyardee items (all of which I had coupons for) were all part of a promotion where if you buy 10 items you get an extra $2 off your order. I bought 20 of these items total, so I got $4 off my order. My order came up to about $55 with tax, but after coupons I paid $32.43 for all of this! I was so excited to get the supplies for Joshua’s party plus our regular groceries for so little!


I also went to Walgreens a few times this week to get some FREE plus overage Chapstick Naturals! Through Feb. 23rd, Chapstick Naturals are $2 and you get a $2 Register Reward good on your next purchase. But this week, Walgreens had a coupon in their ad making the Chapstick just 99 cents…and you still got the $2 Register Reward! Woot Woot! I did this, I don’t know, approximately 4 million times (slight exaggeration, more like 4) and bought other rebate or Register Reward items with my $2 RR . It was FUN! I got all the 2 Liters for Joshua’s party also, because 7UP products were also a Register Reward deal this week. So after redeeming and receiving new Register Rewards, I got eight 2 liters for about 50 cents total. 🙂 And I put it all on my Walgreens gift card from last month’s rebates! Goooood Times!!

Allright, that’s it for me this week! For more super savings, check out Money Saving Mom!

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6 Replies to “Cleanin’ Up at Kroger and Whoopin’ Up at Walgreens!”

  1. You did a great job. I wasn’t super impressed by CVS this week so I took a shot at Walgreens for the first time. I did alright. I was going to try the chapstick deal but wasn’t sure it would work. Maybe I’ll run out today to try it now that I’ve heard about your trip.


  2. Wow! I’m the laziest when it comes to coupon shopping, I make up for it by shopping at Aldi though. Just curious, are you a member at
    I joined on Slackermommy’s recommendation, and I get coupons (sometimes for free stuff) and sample stuff all the time.

  3. I haven’t been thrilled with the CVS deals over the last 2 weeks. I’m hanging onto my ECB’s but they expire soon so i’m crossing my fingers there will be some good ones next time around!

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