Don’t poison the baby!

So apparently, Jonah is allergic to oatmeal.  Like any genius mom, when I started him on baby food six weeks ago, I gave him oatmeal first instead of rice because my older two wouldn’t TOUCH rice but they loved oatmeal.  I gave it to him for a few days like you are supposed to, and then introduced bananas, then apples, then sweet potatoes.  Sometime in the second week, I noticed a teeny tiny bit of blood in his stool.  So of course, I consulted my friend Cortney, because she is an expert on baby allergies as her son Carter had a bunch.

“It’s probably the oatmeal,” she said.  She advised me to take out the oatmeal and sweet potatoes and then introduce them both back in after 10 days or so, one at a time, to see if there was any reaction.

On the fateful day that I re-introduced oatmeal, our House Church was having a get together at Cortney’s house.  I fed him before we left and about an hour into it, he projectile vomited all over my poor friend Jen, then all over me, like 400 times.  At first I honestly thought he had a stomach bug, because the vomiting was so similar to when  my big kids have had something like that.  But, much scarier when you have an infant.  We rushed home, with Jonah throwing up FOUR TIMES in a 10-minute drive.  Then, he threw up a couple more times at home.  All in all, about 9 times in 4 hours.  By the last few it was just bile – VERY upsetting when you see your baby throwing up that nasty stuff!

I decided to shelve oatmeal for awhile, because I thought vomiting was an odd allergic reaction and I really thought perhaps he just had a stomach bug.  So I waited about a month and tried it again.   Last week.  Just before going to the POOL.  Clearly this is evidence that I wasn’t convinced he was allergic! I gave it to him BEFORE WE LEFT FOR THE POOL.

If you haven’t noticed yet, I am kind of dumb.

Guess what happened next?  Baby boy projectile vomited (again on my poor friend JEN!!) in the POOL.  And it was A LOT.  Gross.  Sorry, people of Kettering!

He threw up again a few minutes later, so I packed the kids up and headed home.  This time, I am thoroughly convinced that oatmeal is the Devil.  For Jonah, at least.

And just in case the projectile vomiting wasn’t enough to spark my memory, Joshua made me this reminder, which now hangs on our dining room wall:

Ok, well, since there’s a sign and everything, I think I’ll just toss the oatmeal in the trash!

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8 Replies to “Don’t poison the baby!”

  1. First of all, EM! Quicker?

    When Shelby was a baby, really teeny, she PV’d on the old lady behind us at the Winn Dixie. We can’t go back there.

    And, Mrs. Duggar just died laughing when she read this. She just hands the puker to one of the siblings and throws a wet nap at them!


  2. Hey…one of my twin girls does this when she eats oatmeal or rice cereal (or baby food with rice flour in it). She started doing it around 6 months and when we last tried, she was almost 9 months. Did your little guy ever get to a point where he didn’t throw up after eating it? I want to try again (they’re 10 months old now), but I HATE to see her throwing up–not to mention the clean up (with a 3 year old and another 10 month old to keep out of it).

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