Gotta Go!: The Public Potty Predicament

The lovely Pinks & Blues Girls are having a contest to go along with their Ladies Room Initiative. It’s called the Gotta Go Giveaway, and as usual, I wanna win! So here’s my story about the most frustrating public restroom experience I’ve ever had.

About three weeks ago, I took the kiddos to Big Lots, which I frequent, because I am extreeeemely thrifty. Joshua, Sophia and I were scoping out the toy aisle (having already loaded up on Gerber baby food for 25 cents a jar, woot woot!) when I smelled something stinky. “Joshua, do you need to go potty?” I asked my three-year-old. “No,” he answered, meaning, of course, “Yes, but I want to stand here and look at toys, so I’m currently in poop denial.” Even though I wasn’t keen on taking him to the potty at Big Lots, I was even less keen on him pooping his pants in my car on the way home, so I pressed the issue and we went in search of the ladies’ room. Which I soon found was a one-holer that was already occupied. So we waited and I encouraged my son to hold it (he had by now come to terms with needing to poop) while we waited for the person in the stall. Finally the lady came out and I rushed my kiddos into the stall. You can’t take the cart in the rest room (not that it would have fit inside anyways), so of course, there was nothing I could do with Sophia (8 months) but set her on the FLOOR, which much to my horror was quite dirty. So I set her down as far away from the toilet as possible, while still keeping her in the stall with me. I took her little hands and put my purse in them, praying she would just hold on to the purse and not touch the floor. Then I held Joshua on the toilet while he pooped. He is super-skinny and his buns will fall right through a regulation-sized public toilet, so I still have to hold him on. (Since women of child-bearing age are the target customers of most retail stores, including Big Lots, I think it is ridiculous that NONE of them has a child-sized potty! Or sink!!)

So anyways, he laid down a deuce, I wiped him, collected my daughter, and hoofed it out of there! Since I definitely didn’t want Sophie to sit out on the floor under the sink with all the dirty paper towels that were on the ground while I helped Joshua wash his hands, I just hosed all three of us down with Purell when we got in the car.

I suppose it could’ve been worse, but it was very frustrating and YUCKY to have my kids in that situation. So, the moral of the story is: Closeout prices do NOT buy nice restroom facilities!

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Mommy Monday Tip: Everybody Etsy Now!

Today we’re participating in the Mommy Monday Tip with the fine ladies over at the Mommy Community. My Mommy Monday Tip is to tell you about a great website I recently discovered to find great unique handmade items for you and your kiddos: Etsy! Etsy is an online marketplace where you can browse, buy, and sell all things handmade. There are hundreds of sellers and you can find anything and everything, from bibs to cloth diaper covers to chic purses for Mommy. It’s great to find that special outfit or essential baby item that’s just a little different. I mainly dress my daughter in Carter’s but sometimes I want something that not all the other babies at the playground already have.

I learned about Etsy from my friend Jessica, who is very crafty and has her own Etsy store called Pumpkin Head Baby Co. Her baby & kid items are very fun and unique. I’ve bought several for myself and friends, including two of these soakproof bibs for Sophia. They are amazing – truly soakproof! Sophie is a champion drooler so I always put one of her Pumpkin Head Baby Co. bibs on her when we are going to be out for a long day. That way I don’t have to take several bibs with me. Jessica has tons of fabric to choose from, and I chose two funky purple prints that really dress up her outfits. I also love these sock monkey bibs!

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These make great baby gifts when you are looking for something distincitve, or are shopping for someone whose tastes aren’t quite status quo. For my friend Kelly, pregnant with a little girl but not absolutely devoted to pink, I bought a gorgeous brown, red, & gold patterned minky blanket & matching soakproof bib. They were feminine yet funky and really made Mommy happy! I also love the custom toddler clothes. Check out this adorable ice cream shirt I just bought for my cousin Ellie’s little girl’s 1st birthday (surprise Ellie! I mailed it Thursday!):

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How cute is that? I just love giving things that were handmade just for the recipient, even if it wasn’t me who made it. I mean, after all, no one would want anything made by me, ‘cause I can’t even sew a button. Which is why, for Emily’s birthday, I had Jessica make her this fab-U-lous purse:

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Now don’t you wish you were on my gift list?

So do yourself a favor and go browse Etsy! Some of my other favorite sellers are Onegirliegirl, where I got Sophia this fabulous hair clip, and SassySisters – two cute elementary age girls who design great jewelry. I recently bought a great pair of earrings from these girlies and they make me ridiculously happy! As does the fantastic headband I just purchased from their mom, who has her own store, Chubby Baby Designs. I think I have an Etsy addiction…

Now, go Etsy Everybody! If you see anything you like at Onegirliegirl’s shop, just mention “Mommin’ It Up” in the notes to the seller to receive 10% off your order!

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Rewind 10/09/03: In which I Bid my Boobs “Adieu”

To: Emily
From: Jenny
Date: 10/09/2003
Subj: Pregnant Boobs


Have you noticed any boob changes yet? Not to get too personal, but mine are TOTALLY freaking me out. They used to be pointy and now they are saggy. And my nipples used to be in the middle and now they are pointing south. AND I am getting stretch marks on them. AAAHHH!!! Goodbye, boobs of my youth!!

(The beauty of hindsight: when I wrote this email to Emily, I was about halfway through my pregnancy with my first baby. If I had known at that moment how sad my boobs would be after nursing said baby, I wouldn’t have complained about the pregnant version. They seem much more attractive from this side of the fence…oh well…small price to pay for a miracle….)

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