Father’s Day is fast approaching, and like the slacker I am, I never seem to prepare quite soon enough. But this year, my husband was kind enough to tell me what he wants as a gift well in advance!!! I cannot even tell you how excited that makes me. ORDERED!! And, as part of a sponsored campaign with Cardstore and the Motherhood, I was commissioned to create his card in plenty of time as well. So basically, I am winning Father’s Day 2014, at least where my husband in concerned! (Don’t worry Dad, I’ve got you taken care of, too!)

As I mentioned, I recently tried out Cardstore, the online arm of American Greetings, where you can make and send greeting cards online. Let me just say, I was honestly floored at how awesome it was and I am muy muy sad that I’ve never used it before. I wish I could go back in time two weeks ago and make cards for the kids’ teachers. No lie, friends (since all opinons are obvs. my own) IT WAS SO EASY AND AFFORDABLE! The kids and I made a totally cute, personalized, one-of-a-kind card in a matter of minutes and it cost the same or less to buy it and mail it as it would if I bought it at the store. Plus, I saved time and gas not having to drive to the store, too. SO MUCH WIN. But I am getting a little ahead of myself! To start, I corralled the big kids in front of the computer:

Then, we hopped onto Cardstore.com to check out our options. We picked the “Cards From Kids” category from the Father’s Day section, and there were over 2 dozen options!
We narrowed down our choices to cards you can put a personal photo into, because obvs, my husband wants a pic of his adorable children in his Father’s Day card.

Then we went to work adding our photos and changing the text:

It was super, super easy to edit the inside text and then proof our selection. I fixed the way the word “You’re” was a little cut off in the last text bubble on the front.
We finished our card AND ordered it in less than 10 minutes – and that’s because we were taking our time for this post, to do a thorough review. I could’ve done it in half the time, easily. And, Cardstore is mailing it directly to the recipient – in this case to our house, but we could’ve easily sent it anywhere!
And finally, the price was awesome! Less than $5 to make and mail the card, and with this discount code, you can get your Father’s Day card for only $2.49! (you know I used a coupon code!!) Just enter CCG4527 at checkout.
In addition to offering up attractive, high-quality cards, Cardstore also made this cute promo video for Father’s Day to emphasize all the contributions dads make to their kids’ lives! Remember the viral “World’s Toughest Job” video that came out before Mother’s Day? It now has a companion in this “Dad Casting” video, showing there is absolutely NO script to the highs, lows, and hilarious moments of Fatherhood. Check it out!
Cute, right? Oh my gosh, I know my husband is not looking forward to some of those teenage moments! {Oh but I SO am. Not either.}
I highly recommend that you all hop on over to Cardstore to make a Father’s Day card for your hubby and Dad! I know will be making another one for my Daddy and having it sent straight to him as well.
Can’t get enough Cardstore? Join us TODAY at 1 pm over on Twitter for a Twitter party where we will be chatting all things Father’s Day and using the hashtag #WorldsToughestJob. Hope to see you there!
Happy card creating! Don’t forget your coupon code!