The other day I was stalking perusing my new BFF Steph’s blog, A Grande Life, and she had this cute little link-up post full of cool graphics with funny things her kids said. And I was all, “Aww, I wanna link up to that but I can’t think of any zingers my kids have said lately.”
As it turns out, those were famous last thoughts. In just a couple hours, this darling thing had given me a couple of her thoughts that made me re-consider my normally unshakable self-esteem.

We went to the pool last night after dinner, and Bobby met us there after work. By the time we got home and got everyone dried off and in PJs, I was so tired I was about to drop. (And it’s a good thing I went to bed at 9:30 like any good elderly person would, because Jonah woke me up at 11:45 saying he had to pee. Hmph.) So as I was telling Sophie it was bedtime, I said, “We gotta get you to bed. Mommy’s tired.” To which she responded with great emphasis and honesty: “Yeah, I can tell.”
Then, 10 minutes later as I was tucking her in, she presented me with her precious teddy bear and the zinger, “Mom, Teddy’s gonna call you ‘Grandma’ since I’m his mom.” Then she made Teddy do a little dance while she sang “Grandma Grandma GRANDMA” over and over again.
Right, well. Can’t wait til that sponsored campaign for adult diapers comes along, because apparently I’m on the slipperly slope to my Golden Years.
What crazy things have your kids said lately? For more hum-dingers, check out “Kids Say the Darndest Things” at A Grande Life!