So last night I posted this on my Instagram and Facebook:
And it got quite a big response (especially on Facebook) of people lovin’ on my no-makeup face.
I used a filter, people. And I just happen to not have any zits right now. And I cut off most of my forehead where my acne scars lie.
I really wasn’t fishing for compliments, but I appreciate them. I just…love concealer. And mascara. I know that I don’t need makeup to be beautiful. I know that facial beauty (as they say in pageants!) isn’t what matters or defines worth. I put on my makeup every day mostly because I just…like…makeup. I feel more like me when I have it on, and yet, it has very little to do with my self-esteem. I know who I am, and I’m the same person with or without mascara.
But I guess it’s nice to know I don’t frighten people when I go out without it.
What do you think? Do you like wearing makeup or is it just something you feel like you “should” do? Or do you not care?
As you guys know, I am always up for a good back-to-school countdown. TWENTY-FOUR DAYS Y’ALL! But this year, this year, my glee and sending my kids out the door so I can eat bons bons all day work is beset by a smidge of nervousness. Because in twenty-four days, my Joshua starts fifth grade. And in our school system, fifth grade is MIDDLE SCHOOL! Middle school! How is this possible? When we started this blog Joshua looked like this:
Joshua’s fourth birthday, less than a year after we started Mommin’ It Up
and now he looks like this:
Joshua now. 3.5 year old baby brother included for size reference 🙂
So, not only am I like, “MY baby! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?” – I’m also like, “Middle School! That’s when kids start being MEAN!” Joshua is very, um, sensitive, so I worry about him getting offended, being an easy target, (and quite frankly, being overtly wimpy and not “going with the flow” when he should) and refusing to trying new things.
I’ve already been carefully requiring him to be extra-good about brushing his teeth and washing his face – things he tends to be lazy about – because I don’t want to give kids ammo to use against him. I don’t want him to be “the dirty kid” when he has no reason to be – plenty of access to hygiene tools in this house! I mean, thanks to couponing I currently have like 20 tubes of toothpaste. (Anyone want some? I’m not trying to be a hoarder, I swear.)
I have NO idea why I am so paranoid about this. I never had trouble in school, and never gave anyone else any trouble. Joshua goes to a Christian school (as I did) and I should expect everyone to be a little nicer, but we are all human and kids are kids. I mean, I am not expecting him to get SHANKED, I just don’t want him to get excluded. Plus, he is just such a nice kid.
But he cries every time I talk to him about joining the swim team (which he really should do because he’s an AWESOME swimmer), so there’s that.
Ah, well, we’ve both got 24 days to toughen up! Middle School is coming for us!
Remember like, 2.2 seconds ago when I was posting that I was so nervous about Jonah going to summer school?
Well. Turns out that time really does fly. That was six weeks ago, and today is Jonah’s last day of “Summer Science Lab”.
Neither of us are particularly happy about it! He LOVES going and I think would be content to keep on keepin’ on, and having him happily occupied 4 hours a day 4 days a week has  helped me have a much better summer with my big kids than I usually do. HOWEVER, I am not going to miss setting my alarm for 6:45 am 4 days a week during the summer. Whew, that was rough.
Honestly, I am SO thrilled with how Jonah did in this program. He had fun, he learned a lot, and his speech has just exploded the past 2-3 weeks. They don’t work on his speech at this program, but just being with so many “typical” peers has been so good for him! I can’t believe all the millions of things he’s been saying  the past few weeks. If you are my Facebook friend you’ve had the privilege of reading some of them. (Lucky you!) My recent favorite took place while we were in the car. He said, “I gotta hurry! I wanna hurry!” (I have never heard him use that word before.)  I said, “Why, Jonah?” and he said “I gotta go home and play toys.”
Needless to say, I stepped on the gas! 🙂
So anyway. I am rambling a bit here. But the gist of it is, I am sad that summer school is over, but I’m looking forward to maybe sleeping in a little (dare I dream of 7:30??) and having some lazy fun these last 4 weeks of summer with my babies.
Although it would be helpful if it would warm the  heck up. It’s July 16th, my AC is off, and I’m WEARING A SWEATER as I type this. Huh? Needless to say the solid gold I plunked down for the pool membership is getting wasted this month!
I <3 Summer School and I’m so glad I took the plunge and signed Jonah up. How about you? How are you keeping the kiddos busy this summer?