Jesus Breaks the Rules

On the way home from church this week, Kate was playing with some puppets she had made in Sunday School. Here’s what I heard coming from the back seat.

Puppet 1: You are in time out, Jesus!

Puppet 2: Why? What did I do?

Puppet 1: You weren’t listening!

Puppet 2: Yes I was!

Puppet 1: No you weren’t!

Puppet 2: Yes I was!

Puppet 1: No you weren’t!

Kate: Mommy, stop laughing at me!!!

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It’s good for your eyeballs.

Last night, as I was putting Kate to bed, she looked at me and said with all seriousness, “Mommy, ice cream is good for you.”

“It is?” I asked.

“Yes. It’s good for your eyeballs.”

Who could argue with that?

I watched her for a few moments in silence, and then said “You are the greatest kid I have ever met.”

“You’ve met me a million times, Mommy. You live with me.”

As I sat there and cracked up, she looked at me, unamused, and said “You can go to your own room now.”

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Help – I need sleep!!

Ok forgive me if this is full of misspellings, grammatical errors and anything else that requires brain power.

I’m running on very little sleep.

Well, “very little” might be a bit of an exaggeration, but definitely less sleep than I need.

Kate’s three-and-a-half (as of today, actually) and she is really a pretty good sleeper, but lately she’s been waking up in the middle of the night a lot and it’s killing me.

I think she might be having a lot of dreams or something, because she’ll often cry out in her sleep and say things about her friends/school/etc. that don’t make a lot of sense. She doesn’t always wake herself up when she does this, but she definitely wakes up me and Andy.

That’s another part of the problem – she’s not completely awake, but when we get up and go check on her, we wake her up. She did this at least four times last night, and once when I came back to bed I told Andy that I thought me going in there actually made the situation worse. He said he had thought the same thing the last time he checked on her (which was all of about 30 minutes earlier). Oh, and I should mention that even though she’s not all the way awake, what’s going on now isn’t night terrors – we went through that this summer and fortunately this is different (and not as awful).

So… I need some advice. How can we get her through this stage? How can Andy & I get more sleep??? Should we continue to go in and comfort her, even if it wakes her up? Invest in earplugs?

I’m anxiously awaiting your comments, readers. I have a short (ha, remind me I said that) six months until it’s newborn time!

By the way, Jenny has the featured post on TopBlogMag this week! It’s called Beautiful Risk. Please do her a favor and head on over to TopBlogMag to check it out and let her know what you think!

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