Information Overload

You know, it takes a lot of time and effort to be an informed parent these days. And by parent, I really mean mother, because something tells me that I could count the fathers who scour the internet for the five-point-harness carseat with the highest weight limit on my fingers. But think about it – how often do you make a parenting decision without copious background information? If you’re like me, the answer is “approximately never.”

It’s something we hardly think about anymore. It seems perfectly normal to sit down with our morning coffee, open our “favorites” and click on the Consumer Product Safety Commission website to see what toys we’re going to have to wrestle away from Junior that day… and then we continue on down the list of parenting websites that have become daily must-visits. By the time our kids are toddlers, it’s become a way of life.

The insanity starts about 10 minutes after you pee on a stick. Actually, make that three minutes, because before you’ve even pulled up your pants you’re running to the internet, comparing your urine-soaked specimin to that of the samples on to make sure that a line, no matter how faint, is indeed a line.

Actually, though, unless this pregnancy is a complete surprise, you’ve probably already spent months online talking to perfect strangers about things like ovulation test kits and cervical mucus.

Once you’ve calculated your due date using WebMD, you head right over to iVillage or BabyCenter to find groups of women who are due the same month. You might join right in the fun, or if you’re like me, become a habitual lurker. Or, if you’re somewhat brave and particularly sadistic, you might even venture over to Urban Baby. Regardless, you spend crazy amounts of time reading about other people who are having the same twinges and pains, fears and hopes, nausea and vomitting as you’re experiencing. After all, you’ve got to make sure you’re normal.

As your pregnancy progresses, you really start preparing for the baby. You want only the best of everything, so you memorize Baby Bargains before heading out to complete your gift registry.

Even the process of naming the baby is nuts. Really, did your parents decided what to name you by contacting the social security administration to figure out how many babies had the same name? I don’t think so, Jennifer.

When you start thinking about the parenting styles you’re going to adopt… well, this is where the fun really begins. Will you breastfeed or formula feed? Go back to work or stay home? Practice attachment parenting or not? Co-sleep or put the baby in a crib? Regardless of what you decide on any of these topics, you’ll find many people who have staked their ground on either side of the fence and won’t hesitate to tell you why everything you have decided is completely, utterly wrong. Not only wrong, but your choice is probably going to damage your baby for life. But, hey, if you can live with that…

If anything, the hysteria only increases when the baby’s actually born. You’re at the computer in the middle of the night ordering Happiest Baby on the Block from Amazon because everyone in your MSN Group swears Dr. Karp’s methods will help you soothe your baby and let you both get some precious sleep (which they do, by the way). is your own personal lactation consultant and Baby 411 has replaced your Bible (or Oprah bookclub book) on your nightstand. You can’t take the baby outside without checking both and the messageboard of your choice to see what the weather is and what other babies are wearing before you strap the kid into your top-of-the-line magical stroller that pushes itself and doubles as a cappucino maker.

It doesn’t get any better as the baby gets older, either. You have to figure out which sleep guru you’re going to follow, so you look up opinions on Weissbluth and Ferber. Then, just for fun and because it doesn’t take much to amuse you, you start up a good old fashion Babywise debate.

Honestly, I’m not knocking this. I am definintely as guilty (and likely more guilty) as anyone. I have learned a LOT during the weeks/months/years I’ve spent online reading about everything parenting. The advice and knowledge I’ve gained online has helped me decide everything from what kind of baby monitor to buy to how to deal with night terrors. And how else would I have known about the importance of soft-soled shoes?? The vast array of information available at my fingertips has also allowed me to make my own decisions. My favorite example of this was the first time Kate had a stomach bug. The doctor told us not to give her any dairy products, including breastmilk. I then handed him a print-out from Kellymom that said “Breastmilk is NOT considered a dairy or milk product (mom is not a cow!)” and went on nursing my baby.

That said, this information-overload phenomenon has left me with the complete inability to buy so much as a toothbrush without reading user reviews online. And I’m not exaggerating. So my challenge to myself, and to all of you, is to research, research, research. Figure out what’s best for your baby. Read expert opinions and the opinions of moms who have BTDT (been there, done that, for those of you without a complete mom-cabulary of acronyms). By all means, read mom blogs. But let’s not forget to listen to ourselves, as well, to our motherly intuition. Because when it comes down to it, only we know what’s best for our babies.

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Dinnertime Blues

I need some help.

I don’t know how to cook. Well, I don’t know how to cook very well… and basically, I rarely take the time to do it. This fact generally results in either a) grabbing something while we’re out, b) pizza, or c) Hormel beef tips & gravy poured over egg noodles seeming like home cooking.

I don’t get home until 5:45, so preparation time is at a minimum. And, like I said, I don’t know a lot about cooking.

So I’m turning to all of you in the blogosphere for some help! How do you get dinner on the table in less than two hours? What are some of your stand-by recipes? What are your tips for a great (I would settle for edible) family dinner?

And while we’re at it, how do you get a 3 1/2 year old to eat?

I’m anxiously awaiting your comments!

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16.5 down, 23.5 to go.

I can’t believe 16.5 weeks has gone by… and I can’t believe I have 23.5 more to go. At the same time, I can’t believe I only have 23.5 weeks to go. How on earth am I going to be ready?? I have a panic attack every time I think about how we’re going to get out of the house in the morning when we have two kids. I am already consistently 10 minutes late for work as it is. Good thing everyone else in my office is consistently an hour late. Oops, did I write that?

Anyway, I have finally gotten (mostly) rid of the nausea and vomitting fun of the first trimester. It’s crazy how much better I feel. However, at my doctor’s appointment yesterday I found out that the reduction of vomitting and increase in appetite has lead to a five pound weight gain this month. Yes, you read that right, folks. Five pounds in one month. Let’s hope that doesn’t set the pace for the rest of the pregnancy. That would just not be pretty. Right now my biggest compliant is heartburn… it’s pretty awful. I’ve been taking Pepcid and Tums, but neither are really cutting it.

According to WebMD, the baby some pretty cool things are happening with the baby. Here’s what it says about week 16:

Your baby now measures about 4.3 to 4.6 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 2.8 ounces (damn, I was hoping to blame the five pounds on the baby). Fingernails are well-formed and the fine hair, lanugo, may be growing on the head (let’s just hope it’s not growing on the ears, back and shoulders, as it may have with a certain other baby who shall remain nameless). Arms and legs are moving. The nervous system is functioning and muscles are responding to stimulation from your baby’s brain. You may be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat in the doctor’s office (it was 155 yesterday – does that mean boy or girl? I can never remember).

Your uterus has grown significantly by now and weighs about 8.75 ounces (Ok let’s see… 2.8 oz for the baby plus 8.75 oz for the uterus… doesn’t equal five pounds). Within the next few weeks you may start to feel your baby move, called “quickening.” It’s often like a gas bubble or subtle fluttering movement. As it happens more regularly, you’ll know it’s your baby. There are other physiological changes happening in your body. Increased blood volume to support your growing fetus may produce nosebleeds, and leg veins may become more apparent (wow, that’s something to look forward to). Your uterus is shifting so you may not have to urinate so much.

So that’s what going on with me and the baby that’s cookin’. Thanks for indulging me and I promise not to do this every week for the next 23 weeks 🙂

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