{NickMom inspired} What Your Pins Say About You

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It’s been awhile since I’ve bossed the world around and told you how to live your lives, and I’m sure you’ve missed it. I mean, crap, you guys are probably all naming your kids Dest’n’ee and going pantless to the grocery store without me to tell you what to do. I should really stop being so selfish and get back to performing my civic responsibilities! But dangit, sometimes my life isn’t all that funny. Last week it was all angry, angry, ANGRY snotty toddler and sleepless nights. Not humorous. So, sometimes I have to turn elsewhere to tickle my funny bone and stir up my inner snark. Awhile back, I heard about the site NickMom from Nickelodeon and it’s a place I go to from time to time when I need a good laugh. My latest favorite? This hilarious infographic post “What does your snack offering say about you?”

Because REALLY. The genius cartoonist and NickMom.com revealed something to me. Some of you put too much effort into snack time. And based on the snack idea pins some of you are pinning on Pinterest, you also have way too much free time.

But I’m betting others of you, like me, are totally phoning snack time. And to you I say, “ROCK ON! Ain’t nobody got time for Bento boxes!” Here’s a sampling of the snack offerings currently available to my children.

#MotherFunny NickMom CheezIts #shop


Yes – those are Cheez-Its made with WHOLE GRAIN. Health food, people!

I like these snack offerings not for their pinnability but rather for their ability to make my kids quit asking for food and sit in blissful silence for a few minutes while they eat. Hmm, now what does that say about me? I think the folks at NickMom would probably say it says that I like to hide in the bathroom watching Netflix while my kids are eating their after-school snack. But they’d be TOTALLY WRONG. I actually watch Hulu Plus during that time. So there.

Just to prove that not all moms are complete snack slackers comme moi (that’s French! Deal with it, ‘merica!), I did a little Pinterest perusing to find snack ideas that many of you cray-crays are pinning – and that some Senior Cray-Cray in Charge of Facilitating Mommy Nervous Breakdowns has actually created – and decided to dole out my own judgments on what your snack idea pins say about you. Annnnd here we go!

#MotherFunny snow man cheese stick snack idea #shop

Snowman Cheese Sticks. If you pinned this snack, what does this say about you? It says you *might* have too much flippin’ time on your hands, lady. You’re going to take a sharpie and draw faces, buttons, coal eyes on a cheese stick? You’re going to change marker colors for a carrot nose? THEN you’re going to tie a ribbon scarf on each little faux cheesestick neck? AND painstakingly cut out a dozen little black construction paper hats to affix with some sort of adhesive onto their faux cheese heads? REALLY? If you pinned this and are even considering making this cutesy snack into a reality, YOU NEED TO GET A HOBBY. I suggest you choose a hobby that does some good for some people. Please, please, please volunteer for a charity instead of using your free time to decorate snack items that are only going to be digested and turned into excrement. MMkay?

#MotherFunny Hungry Caterpillar snack #shop

A Very Hungry Caterpillar snack. Aww, that’s so sweet! You want to make your kids a snack based on their favorite beloved children’s book! You know what that says about you? It says you love them very much. And also? It says you’re not going to be prepared for the psychological collapse they’re going to have when they enter the real world and realize that an apple is just an apple! Look, mama, life isn’t Disneyland, and snacks aren’t magical. Don’t deny your child the simple pleasure of loving food for its taste. Besides you’re setting a dangerous precedent here. If you continue in this vein you’re gonna be up past midnight making Harry Potter-themed school lunches every darn day for the next twelve years. IT’S A SLIPPERY SLOPE! Turn back!

#MotherFunny NickMom Cute Chick snack #shop

Super-disturbing feeding chickens egg-and-pepper snack. Ummm. If you pinned this, or – God forbid – presented this to your children to eat? What does this say about you? I will tell you what this says about you. It says we can never be friends. If we haven’t met yet, don’t bother. Because you are already dead to me. If you think hard-boiling chicken embryos and using vegetables to make them look like actual chickens who are themselves eating is a good idea, we cannot co-exist. And also? It says you should check yourself into the nearest psychiatric facility to get some R&R and maybe take a class or two on things that are actually important!

Allright mamas, I’m done berating you and your over-zealous snack idea pinning (for now). If you’re stuck in a rut pinning All The Unreasonable Yet Adorable Snack Ideas, I suggest you close that tab on your browser and open a new one and click over to NickMom for a few laughs and hopefully a reality check! For even more funnies, you can find NickMom on Twitter and Facebook, too.

What kind of snacks do you give your kids? Just plain food, or do you dress it up a little?

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ISO: Tried and True Recipes

Slowly but surely, I’m getting to be a better cook (I couldn’t have gotten much worse!), and I try new recipes a lot.

Recently, I’ve made shredded beef tacos, apple pork chops with caramelized onions, crock pot turkey chili, jalepeno cheddar chicken burgers, and more.

Most of the stuff I try out is okay, but with few exceptions, I haven’t found much that I want to make over and over… or even again.

I need some recipes that can’t be beat – but that are easy/quick enough for weeknights and that my kids will eat. (Hey, I’m a poet and I don’t know it.)

Any suggestions? What do you make with recipes you have memorized? What are your go-to meals? Your kids’ favorites?

I don’t have many, but I do have a couple to share (some of which I have mentioned before!).

First, Kate’s favorite – slow cooker chicken tortilla soup from AllRecipes.com.

Chicken Tortilla Soup from AllRecipes.com.
Chicken Tortilla Soup from AllRecipes.com.

The Pioneer Woman’s fresh green beans. I made these a LOT this summer, and they are fantastic.

The Pioneer Woman's Fresh Green Beans.
The Pioneer Woman’s Fresh Green Beans.

And also the Pioneer Woman’s bacon-wrapped jalapeno thingies.

The Pioneer Woman's bacon-wrapped jalapeno thingies
The Pioneer Woman’s bacon-wrapped jalapeno thingies

Sam saw these on my computer screen and said “Oh, not those things again.” They weren’t such a hit with the kids, but the adults? They inhale them. Just don’t put them (and the associated tooth picks) under the broiler. They will burst into flames. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

So anyway, back to my original question. Anyone have recipes to share?

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The swankiest baby monitor on the face of the earth


Angelcare provided me with this baby monitor to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own. 

Back when I had my first child – you know -almost 10 years ago? In the dark ages? Baby monitors were fancy if they came with more than one receiver. By the time I had Sophie, video monitors were all the rage. A video monitor? WOW! Even the Jetsons couldn’t have dreamed this up!

Well now, we have reached the “Back to the Future III” era of baby monitors. I present to you, the Angelcare AC1100 Digital Video, Movement, & Sound Monitor. It is super-swanky, y’all! It would take me 1,000 words to truly verbalize all it’s features, but I’ll try to give you the big picture in fewer than that.

I agreed to review the Angelcare AC1100 because we still keep a baby monitor on Jonah. Because of my sleeping problems, I have to sleep with REALLY LOUD white noise, so Bobby and I can’t hear Jonah from down the hall if he is in distress without a monitor. And we love having a video to see what he’s doing at naptime when he’s not napping! The Angelcare is amazing, but it is really much more than we need for Jonah at this point. However, if I were a new parent, this is the one I would buy. Here’s why! Just a few of my favorite features:

  • Great color digital video picture with zoom, so you can get up in baby’s business if you need to!
  • Walkie talkie feature!!! You can soothe your baby with your voice without having to go in the room. I LOVE this – wish I’d had it earlier.
  • Parental Unit locator – I’ve needed this a few times too! Find your receiver with the touch of a button. (I also need one of these for my cell phone…)
  • Movement alarm – if you have a newborn or child with health needs, this is a great feature! There is a monitor pad you place under the mattress that monitors movement. An alarm will sound if there’s no movement in the crib after 20 seconds.
  • LCD touch screen on the receiver. YES! It’s like the smartphone of baby monitors!
  • Temperature display – the parental receiver tells you what temp it is in the baby’s room. This is such a great feature! Our boys’ room gets really hot and cold in summer/winter so this is super-handy for us to make sure they are comfortable.

There are plenty more features but these are my favorite. They all come together to make this a really versatile monitor. And  if you don’t need a certain feature – like the under-the-mattress movement sensor, for example, you can easily turn it off.

Since, as I said, this is more than we really need for Jonah right now (not that I don’t love it) we are giving this to my brother and sister-in-law who have recently been licensed as foster parents and will likely have a baby or toddler in their home very soon. It’s nice to know that even though they will have different kids with different needs from time to time, they will have a monitor that is versatile enough for each child they care for.

Thanks, Angelcare, for making such a cool tool for parents and baby safety, and thanks for letting me review it!

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