The Inside Scoop on Pampers – How are they better?

Thanks Pampers! #pampersbloggerday #babyboard

Last week I got a real treat – a much-needed break from reality and a couple of days with some great bloggers at Pampers headquarters in Cincinnati. I’m thrilled to announce that I am a new member of the Pampers Baby Board, a group of online influencers who have the ear of the scientists and marketing gurus behind Procter & Gamble’s biggest brand.


I was really excited about this trip for a few reasons. 1) It was in Cincinnati, so not far from home – just a quick hour-long car ride, and Pampers sent a car for me! 2) I loooove Pampers. As a coupon lady I generally buy whatever diaper I can get the best coupon deal on, but Pampers have always been my favorite, and when my babies were under size 3, they wore nothing but Pampers Swaddlers, the BEST diaper ever created. 3) I was looking forward to meeting some bloggy friends I’d never met in real life like Ellen and Vera, and to making new friends as well.

All my expectations were met by this trip! It was fabulous! And being spoiled for a couple days was awfully nice. I’d had a rough couple weeks at home, and I needed a wee break.

But anyway, on to the good stuff!

Pampers diapers have recently been re-designed and they are now up to 3x dryer! As a mom of a baby who gets rashy easily, I was very happy to hear this. And what makes me even happier? Now Pampers Swaddlers are available in sizes 3-5 as well!!! YEEEAAHHH! I am a little over-excited about this, but seriously. I am always so sad when my babes grow out of Swaddlers. Now I can run out and get Jonah a pack of size 4 Swaddlers and know that he’ll stay dryer, wet through less at night, and have fewer rashes. (The only bad thing about this? It makes me want to potty train him LESS than I already do. I have been putting that off and Jonah is not excited about it either. Sigh.)

While we were at Pampers, we got to see some neat science-y demonstrations to show us how Pampers diapers and wipes hold up against the competition. They were super-cool! I really cannot believe  how much research goes into creating these products.

pampers experiment 2
We saw Pampers Cruisers absorb & distribute liquid way faster than the competition.
Wipes demo
Pampers wipes on the left – very strong!!

The coolest thing I saw while at Pampers, which we couldn’t take pictures of because it’s super-secret, was seeing a Pampers Cruiser diaper made by HAND. We watched in awe as two employees crafted a diaper by hand in the lab. You’d never know it wasn’t off the assembly line! The lab where they did this was so cool – they are always building prototypes to keep improving Pampers.  The staff was SO passionate about what they do, too. As a matter of fact, all the employees, no matter what their job at Pampers, impressed our group with how much they cared about their jobs, loved their jobs, and wanted to be the very best. It made us all feel really good about continuing to purchase Pampers.

Another cool thing we saw was 3-D imaging from MRI and CT scans of a mannequin wearing a Pampers diaper. We could see liquid going into it, being absorbed, and then being locked away from baby’s skin in an outer layer. It was so cool! Plus we got to wear super-cool 3D glasses, sooo…

I only included this picture because Emily loves seeing my image so, so much.

Of course, in addition to learning all about Pampers and what goes into their diapers and wipes, we also had a lot of fun! We rode around Cincinnati in this party bus, complete with pole.


We got treated to a hairstyle session at the Cincy Style Bar:



And we had some great fun in restaurants – eating and even cooking our own desserts! My awesome team didn’t win the dessert-making competiton, but we had fun talkin’ smack!

My new friends Deanna and Janssen whipping up our trifle.

The last thing I’ll say about Pampers that really impressed me was how many women they employ not just in marketing but in science – and how flexible they are with working moms. Almost every female employee we talked with had been part-time for a few years or so when necessary, and them came back to full-time when they were ready. We heard over and over how great Pampers is to their employees.

I had a great time on my trip and I can’t wait until the next Pampers event. I’ve got a fun surprise from Pampers coming up soon, so stay tuned for that! Thanks, Pampers!

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Room mom? Me? Um…

TL;DR – everything you need to know is in this e-book!

Several weeks ago, there was a plea from the PTA for room moms for both my kids’ classes.

I said I’d take both.

There’s a sucker born every minute.

The first of my assignments is the Halloween party. The only problem? (well, ok, one of the many) I’m now in charge of two parties that are scheduled for the exact same date and time. So there’s that.

And then there’s the other issue – I have no freaking idea how to plan a Halloween party for kindergartners OR fourth graders.

I don’t know why, but I was completely overwhelmed by the thought of planning these parties. I consider myself a fairly competent person, but this just threw me for a loop.

I figured I’m not the only stumped room mom out there, so I thought I’d share some of the resources I’ve come across.

I bring you…

room parent

First of all,


They have all kinds of resources, but the thing I found most helpful is their Classroom Party Guide eBook. They’ve got ideas for all kinds of parties, including Halloween, and I’m swiping several of their suggestions for games.

I actually found that site on a post from, which also had all kinds of helpful information. I completely and totally ripped off her Classroom Parent Letter. Because despite the fact that I routinely write letters for work that are sent to tens of thousands of people, I seriously could not come up with a letter asking for help with the parties all by myself.

The third site I found that’s been extremely helpful is

sign up genius

This is basically a site that allows you to organize volunteers and events electronically. You build a “sign up” with one of their templates (they have a theme for every event you could imagine) and say what you need people to do or bring, and then send out a link to your volunteers. They just check off what they want to sign up for, and the site sends you an email alert. It’s very simple and pretty brilliant. The thing I love MOST about it is that it doesn’t require volunteers to register for the site or log in or anything. They just click what they want to bring and type their name – easy peasy. I sent sign ups out for both my parties yesterday and the volunteer spots are almost full already.

Plus, it prevented me from having to actually pick up the phone and call people. WIN.

So, that’s what I’ve learned about being a room mom so far. Oh, I have also learned one more thing – parents of kindergartners are very eager to help. Parents of fourth graders are pretty much over it.

I shall report back after the actual parties take place – I’m sure I’ll have many more lessons learned by that point!

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#doyourmakeup review: Discount code & Mary Kay Dash out the Door Set

So, makeup reviews really get me excited, because obviously? I LOVE MAKEUP! And I have loved Mary Kay longtime, so I was really happy when local Mary Kay Independent Sales Director Bobbi Hosmon asked me to review Mary Kay’s “Dash Out the Door” set. I was all “heck yes!!” (in the most professional way, of course.) This set includes everything you need to get ready in a flash: cream blush, Lash Love™ mascara, cream eye shadow, and NouriShine Plus™ lip gloss! (Okay, I myself also really, really, REALLY need concealer, but that’s beside the point, right?) Here’s the look I got using this set: cream blush in Sheer Bliss, cream eye shadow in Metallic Taupe, Lash Love™ mascara in Brown, and NouriShine™ lip gloss in Pink Sateen. Stay tuned because at the end of this post, I’ll have a 40% off discount code for you so you can shop Bobbi’s Mary Kay site at a discount!


Now, like the true cosmeticophile (made it up! totally!) that I am, I’ll review each item for ya. First up: cream blush in Sheer Bliss.



I will confess, I was pretty sure I was not going to like the cream blush. I wear powder foundation, and my past experiences with cream blush & powder foundation have been not so swell. But this one totally surprised me in a good way! It goes on like a cream but instantly changes to a powder-like finish, so it doesn’t pull my foundation off as it goes on. And it goes on fast and stays on really well, giving all-day color! This Sheer Bliss shade in particular is sooo pretty & a great neutral to wear any time.

Next up: Cream eye shadow in Metallic Taupe.


I already loooove cream eye shadow in general, and Mary Kay’s specifically! I owned two other colors, but they finally have lots more color options – yay! I tried this metallic taupe because I am a sucker for a good neutral. It is great worn as a base for other colors or as the main color on your eye. I love it because it goes on so fast, is easy to blend with your finger, and stays on really well – no primer required! Plus, I’ve never had it crease on me either. It’s great!

For more eye candy, I went with Lash Love Lengthening Mascara in I <3 Brown. I had tried the regular Lash Love before and thought it was great, but this Lengthening version? WOW! It is amazing!


See that curved brush and those short bristles? It really lengthens and separates lashes no you don’t get any clumps and you get a LOT of length. To compare this with the mascaras in my famous drugstore mascara compara-thon, I would’ve given it an A++! It really is that good. And it stays on ALL day. My only regret is that I didn’t choose the I <3 Black color – the brown was a little pale for me. So, now I am definitely going to have to get the black! Love it!

Last, but certainly not least, I tried this Mary Kay NouriShine Plus lip gloss in Pink Sateen.


I will tell you a little secret: this lip gloss is the absolute BEST! In all my drugstore endeavors I have yet to find one that comes close. I have about 4,000 (approximately) and I can never have enough! They are nice and thick without being sticky, super-shiny, and stay on longer than most glosses. This color I hadn’t tried yet and it is a gorgeous beige-y pink that will look good on just about anyone. It really is perfect for when you need to dash out the door.

Ok, and now for the discount code! Bobbi has generously offered 40% off your ENTIRE ORDER to Mommin’ It Up readers if you shop through her Mary Kay site: All you have to do is enter the code MOMMINITUP in the “notes” section before you check out. And if you’re going to get 40% off, you might as well order some of my other favorite products: the best concealer ever, highlighting powder, and TimeWise Targeted Action Eye Revitalizer.

If you love Mary Kay and are interested in starting a Mary Kay business of your own to make some extra money for holiday shopping, you can send a note to Bobbi with your order to find out about the special incentives she’s offering for her new team members!

Happy shopping! Want more product recommendations to use your 40% discount on? Leave me a question in the comments!

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