The latest on Kate.

A week or so I wrote about how Kate’s been puking intermittently for more than a month. (Actually it was more about me being a complete idiot, but I did reference Kate’s troubles.) In any case, the last week has been a flurry of tests, scans, and medicine. She’s had blood tests, upper GI scans, stool screenings (earned my mom stripes with this one), colon cleanses, and more, trying to determine why she’s been so sick to her stomach.

So far, we’ve determined that she has acid reflux and rotavirus.

What is rotavirus? I’m so glad you asked. According to

Rotavirus is a virus that causes gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines). The rotavirus disease causes severe watery diarrhea, often with vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. In babies and young children, it can lead to dehydration (loss of body fluids). Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe diarrhea in infants and young children worldwide. Globally, it causes more than a half a million deaths each year in children younger than 5 years of age.

Rotavirus was also the leading cause of severe diarrhea in U.S. infants and young children before rotavirus vaccine was introduced for U.S. infants in 2006. Prior to that, almost all children in the United States were infected with rotavirus before their 5th birthday. Each year in the United States in the pre-vaccine period, rotavirus was responsible for more than 400,000 doctor visits; more than 200,000 emergency room visits; 55,000 to 70,000 hospitalizations; and 20 to 60 deaths in children younger than 5 years of age.

So that’s exciting. Honestly, I was somewhat relieved by that finding, because it’s something that, while not pleasant, will eventually go away. My Google MD diagnosis had been a gluten sensitivity, which would have been much more complicated to deal with.

We are still waiting on results from a few tests, and because she had a combo of symptoms that is sometimes a red flag (waking up vomiting and right-side headaches), she is scheduled for an MRI on her brain. (Any Teen Mom 2 watchers out there? Every time I hear/say that phrase, I apply Leah’s accent.) Provided that doesn’t turn up anything exciting, that should be the end of it. And hopefully, with a daily regimen of Prilosec, we’ll be all done with the random puking.

Crossing my fingers.

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It’s a “Vicks Season” giveaway!

I’m super, super, SUPER excited to be bringing you a giveaway of some of my favorite Vicks products!  I LOVE being a Vicks Blogger, because I LOVE their products.  I think I’ve made that pretty clear in my other posts on the subject, but I can’t say it enough!

Instead of “cold & flu season” I think this time of year should be called “Vicks season” – ’tis the season to be using these great products that can bring you relief from the colds and flu that hit so many of us hard this time of year.  Why give “cold & flu” all the credit? Let’s re-name this time of year after my favorite remedies!

Recently I mentioned how a humidifer can help keep germs out of your home and make your home environment healthier – and today I am excited to be giving away one of these:

Vicks Warm Mist GermFree Humidifier

It’s a Vicks Warm Mist GermFree Humidifier!  If you’re a germaphobe like *ahem* Emily, you will love this bad boy!  It kills 99.999% of germs, mold, and bacteria before the steam even hits the air.  It promotes better breathing and sleep, and there are no filters to change or replace!  It has two tanks which makes it easier to fill and helps it to run longer.  It can operate up to 24 hours and has a two gallon capacity. Woot woot! It’s the Mac Daddy of humidifiers, is what I’m saying!

In addition to this fabulous machine, the winner of this giveaway is going to be swimming in my fav-or-ite product ever, Vicks VapoRub!  With the humidifer I am also giving away:

  • 2 jars of VapoRub
  • 2 jars of VapoRub Lemon (I haven’t tried this but I have a sneaking suspicion it would rock my world!)
  • 2 bottles of VapoRub CREAM (for those of you who don’t like the ointmenty-feel of the original. I think you’re crazy but to each her own. 🙂 )
  • 2 jars of BabyRub for your little ones under 2! Jonah highly recommends it!

Here’s how to enter to win these awesome prizes to help you have a healthy Vicks Season!  You can enter up to three times, one time for each option.

1) Leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite Vicks product

2) “Like” Vicks VapoRub on Facebook and then COME BACK TO THIS POST and leave me a separate comment letting me know that you did (or already do).

3) Tell me your favorite Vicks VapoRub memory

ONE winner will be chosen at random on Monday, January 30th at 6 pm EST.  Winner will be notified via email.  Good luck!


I am being compensated for my role as a Vicks Blogger.  All opinons about Vicks products are my own.

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Caring for your skin in winter

Though most of January has been surprisingly mild up to this point, it is now officially “butt-freezing cold” here in my part of the country. And as soon as that dry, cold air hits, my skin really feels it!  So I need to take extra-special care of my skin during the winter, and my bet is you do too!  Here’s how I use some of my favorite products to do just that.  I’m a die-hard Mary Kay user, and they have some great products to keep your skin protected and moisturized during those harsh winter months.  Here are my tips:

  • Stick to your cleansing routine.  Now more than ever, your skin needs routine care!  I use Mary Kay’s TimeWise cleanser, moisturizer, Day Solution (you still need SPF during the winter!), and Night Solution to keep my skin care consistent.  
  • Get rid of dry skin more often. I am a HUGE fan of Mary Kay’s TimeWise Microdermabrasion set to get rid of dry skin and fine lines.  I use it during all seasons but I add an extra time per week during the winter.  I love the way the Refine step uses advanced exfoliators to smooth & freshen my skin and the Replenish step nourishes my skin.  Seriously, it feels SO GOOD on your face!
  • Add some extra moisture.  I use MK’s Intense Moisturizing Cream to give my face that extra “drink” it needs during winter weather.  It hydrates your skin for up to 10 hours and makes it feel awesome. I LOVE this stuff – it’s addicting!

So, those are my favorite Mary Kay products that I use consistently all winter long to keep my skin smooth and hydrated!  How do you give your skin TLC in the winter?


Mary Kay sent me a selection of the above products to facilitate my review. However, I’ve been using these products for years and I can’t live without them!  All opinions about the products are my own.

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