The Tiny Tyrant of 12:15

Look at this sweet little angel boy:

I think he is trying to kill me.

I don’t know why he would want to do such a thing, since clearly my continued presence on this earth is to his benefit, but the child will not sleep.  As a matter of fact, for the past couple of weeks, he’s been waking up so very so sad at about midnight or 12:15…and then again sometime on or before 2:30, and then usually about 5.

I suppose since he is so young, he probably isn’t clued into the fact that I am a terrible sleeper and that his nocturnal nursing parties are keeeeeling me.  But really.


Since he and Joshua share a room, we haven’t been able to Ferber him in awhile.   Joshua bunked with Sophie for several months last year while we were trying it out, and I fear we’re going to have to put him back in her room again soon.  But the Ferbering has never seemed to stick with Jonah.  Blargh.

Well, Sophie started sleeping really well when she was about 15 months old…and Jonah is 13 months…so hopefully I’ve got at least eight weeks of fight left in me!  Until then, there’s coffee and Mountain Dew, right?

And at least he’s a cute little killer!

But seriously I’M DYING HERE.

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On a subway with my wife…

I am so un-hip that I don’t know the words to even the most popular songs made recently. And by recently, I mean since 1998. So, when I heard Sam singing his new favorite song, I thought he was saying “On a subway with my wife…”

Kate, who is much hipper and also much better at understanding three-year-old-ese, informed me that my interpretation was wrong. Pretty sure there was some eye-rolling going on.

Can you tell what he’s saying?

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I heart apps!

Can I just tell you how much I love my iPad?  It’s pretty awesome.  And super-convenient to tote around.  And it can do SO many things.  But what I honestly love about it the most are the portable, fun, and never-ending learning opportunities that it’s apps provide for my kids.

The photo above is from an awesome app called Faces iMake. (I made it myself! Aren’t I creative!?) It’s only $1.99 and is well worth that and more for the creativity and fun it will bring into your home.  With this app, you make silly faces out of everyday things – choose face parts from the toy, music, tools, food, and candy categories.  Easily change the size of objects with two fingers, rotate them, add “layers”, color  – the possibilities are endless!  And, this app can be adapted for therapy easily as well.  Learning what group or category objects went was something Sophie and I worked hard on and this app would be a great exercise for learning that skill and a great reward to play when the hard work is done!v  But it’s also just a really fun way to play with your kids or to keep them occupied with something that is good for their brain!

This next app was one of the very first I discovered and it is dear to my heart.  I think it’s a must for any parent of young kids who has an iPhone or an iPad.  It’s called “I Like Books” from Grasshopper Apps and it is 37, yes THIRTY-SEVEN beautiful picture books in one app. And it’s only 99 cents!  The books range from “I love Mom” to “I like colors”.  The pictures are gorgeous real photos and the narration is bright and cheerful.  You can turn the narration off if you want to read the books yourself, or you can even record your own narration in your own voice and change the text if you want to.  These books are so awesome for vocabulary and so much more.  Sophie loves reading them by herself even though we’ve had them for months.  There are so many of them they never get old. A GREAT value!

Finally, I had to mention this great freebie app – Easy Bake Cupcakes. Hasbro cleverly designed this to sell their Easy Bake Ultimate Oven, but it is a GREAT app.  My kids l-o-v-e it, it’s very creative, and if you want to use it for speech therapy, super for following multi-step directions.  With this app you choose what kind of cupcake you want to make, mix the batter, fill your pan, bake the cupcakes, remove them from the oven, then choose from lots of frostings, toppings, and decorations. THEN of course you get to eat them – and start over for more fun. I highly recommend it!

Those are some of my current favorite apps for kids.  The value far outweighs the cost on these!  What are some of your favorites?   Let’s share!


I received a code to try Faces iMake for free. But look people, I cannot be bought for $1.99.   So the opinions are all my own, and it is a great app!  🙂

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