Holy Tooth Fairy!

Joshua will be eight (8!!!) in a couple of weeks, and he has just lost his third tooth.  That’s right. Three teeth down, a million to go.  I think by the time he loses all his baby teeth, he’ll be about ready to take the SATs.  But anyhoo…it’s been so long since he lost the other two, that I can’t honestly remember what we said to him about the tooth fairy, but I think it was probably something along the lines of what we tell him about Santa: that she’s not real, just fun to pretend, and that $1 under your pillow comes from Mommy and Daddy, just like those presents under the tree.


Yesterday after he triumphantly pulled his tooth all by himself (finally! The other two Bobby has had to nudge out), he and Sophie were talking about how the Tooth Fairy was going to come and leave him $2. (TWO DOLLARS? GEEZ.)  Then Joshua said something like, “Well, Daddy says it’s really the Tooth Ogre.”


“Ummm…you guys know the Tooth Fairy and the Tooth Ogre, or whatever…that’s not real, right?” I said.

“It’s not?  Then who puts money under my pillow?” Joshua asked, looking rather confused.

“Who do you think, buddy?” I asked right back, figuring he’d come to the Mommy-and-Daddy conclusion.


Ok, so apparently he couldn’t take that logical leap after all!  I really can’t compete with JC, so I think when I told him his tooth benefactors were Mom & Dad, he was a little disappointed. But I’m glad to know he thinks that Jesus wants to make sure his tooth troubles are taken care of!

But lucky for him, his Daddy hooked him up with not one, not two, but THREE gold $1 coins.  So I think that soothed his disappointment a little.  Now let’s hope he can remember who is in charge of tooth loss compensation when he loses his next one!

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Just Another Moron Monday

So I know I’ve complained before about how insane Mondays are, but… here I go again.

I cannot – cannot – manage to get out of the house on time in the mornings. Yes, part of my issues would be resolved if I abandoned the snooze button, but some of it is not my fault! I swear, the universe conspires against me. The most random and annoying things happen to me in the morning.

Don’t believe me?

Take a look at how this morning started off.

What is that, you ask? It is the vent cover from my kitchen floor, stuck to the heel of my shoe. Or, I suppose, it originated with the heel of my shoe getting caught in the vent cover, but when I lifted my foot the vent came with it.

It was nearly impossible to get out, which cost me time and also left a big scratch on my new Tom Madden heels.


THEN, as if I wasn’t running late enough, I get in my car and am greeted with this.

Although I really can’t say this issue delayed me any because even though my car was CLEARLY out of gas and even though my commute is 30+ miles AND even though I travel with a three year old in tow, I decided to take my chances.

I coasted into the office on fumes, but I made it.

However, not five seconds after walking in the door, I tripped over my own feet and somehow this was the result.

Not only did I use the heel of my shoe to rip a giant hole in my tights, I managed to cut my leg. So, I showed up to a staff meeting in bare legs (in January, may I remind you) BLEEDING. (Thank you Baby Jesus that I had shaved my legs on Saturday. Yes that was 48 hours prior but that is better than 48 days, which is an entirely possible scenario.)

So, let’s review the take-aways from this story.

I should:
A) Never pack my lunch for work, because when I do, I step backwards from the refrigerator and get my heel caught in the vent;
B) Never where four-inch heels;
C) Disregard the gas light warning, because clearly it doesn’t really mean empty;
D) Make it a policy to shave at least once a week, on the off chance I have to throw away my tights;
E) Realize that D is highly unlikely and just wear pants at all times.

At least it was a learning experience.

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In which I start taking picture of my groceries again

2011 was a rough year for many coupon-lovers like myself.  Thanks to the coo-coos on Extreme Couponing, lots of retailers cracked down on the amount of deals they offered and tightened up their coupon policies.  Even my beloved Kroger now limits the number of like coupons they will double to five. WAAH!

But anyhoo, between having a new baby and dealing with Sophie’s delays, I didn’t have time to coupon as well as I would have liked.  Oh, I still did my very best, but I had to give up the old coupon binder for awhile.  I still carefully planned my grocery trips every week and clipped what I needed, but  I just felt like the opportunities to save just weren’t there.  And since the sales just weren’t there, our grocery and household items budget went up by quite a bit in 2011.  It was discouraging!

Now that Jonah is older and Sophie is back on track, I have more time to devote to my coupons again.  So, if the stores will just cooperate, I want to slash my budget again!  SO far in 2012 I’ve done pretty well.  I’ve got my binder back up and running, and a recent mega-event sale at Kroger really got me on a great savings path!  Today I hit both CVS and Rite Aid for a couple small deals, which reminded me that:

So, I think I am going to try to start posting my shopping trips again. I shall try to revive the “See Jenny Shop” page, and hopefully I’ll have something good to put there! To get me going, here’s what I got at CVS today:

I likes me some Suave! CVS had a deal, buy $12 worth and get $4 extra care bucks.  And the Zarbees cough syrup was free after ECBs.

2 Suave Professionals shampoo/conditioner $4

3 Suave body wash $6

1 Suave deodorant $1

2 Suave kids shampoo/conditioner $3

Zarbees cough syrup $6

total = $20


$1/2 Suave Professionals

$1/2 Suave Kids

Buy 2 get one free Suave body wash -$2

8 extra care bucks

=$8.40 including tax, got back 4 ECB for the Suave and 6 ECB for the Zarbees, so 10 total for next time!  Let’s just hope there are some decent deals next week so I can keep regaling you with pictures of my shampoo and my brother’s lady deodorant!


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