I’m going to Disney World (and I’m going to eat. A lot.)


I know, Dad, I know – we go there every 18 months. (Totes not true, btw, we haven’t been there since October 2010, so it’ll be 20 months by the time we get there. But it’ll have been three years since the kids have been there so we’re not completely out of control. No we’re not!)

Well if that wasn’t a little glimpse into my psyche.


I’ve been waiting on tenterhooks for Disney to release their fall free dining dates, and yesterday they finally did. If you’re traveling between August 25 and September… oh, just go here if you want to read about it. But the short version of the story is that we’re going to Disney and we’re going to eat for free.

If you like eating as much as Andy and I do, that’s a very big deal.

So, as soon as I booked the trip, the race was on to get our ADRs (advanced dining reservations for you non-Disney freaks). Planning our meals is one of my very favorite things about planning Disney trips (see above, re: like to eat). This time around, we’re going with a few old favorites and trying a few new places too, and I couldn’t be more excited.

We have ADRs for…

Hollywood & Vine at Hollywood Studios. Breakfast with Handy Manny, Special Agent Oso, and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. This one is mainly for Sam, but who doesn’t love Mickey waffles?
Mama Melrose at Hollywood Studios. The main reason I booked this one is for the Fantasmic package – dinner guests get special reserved seats at Hollywood Studios’ end-of-the-night show. Fantasmic is one of the few major Disney World attractions I’ve never experienced, and I’m very excited!
Liberty Tree Tavern at the Magic Kingdom. This is another new one for us. I’ve read good things about it and I hope it lives up to the hype. I generally think the Magic Kingdom food leaves much to be desired, but hopefully this will surprise me!
San Angel Inn in Epcot. We ate there a couple years ago the day after we ran the Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon, and it was about the best meal I’d ever had in my life. The wide selection of margaritas didn’t hurt anything.
Tusker House at the Animal Kingdom. This is also a character breakfast – Donald and his friends decked out in their safari gear. This serves two purposes – it fulfills the required Mickey et al character meal and also gets us into the Animal Kingdom before the park opens, so we can go straight to Kilimanjaro Safaris, which is supposed to be amazing first thing in the morning.
‘Ohana at the Polynesian Resort. This is a new one for us too, and it’s a Hawaiian-themed dinner show.

Sounds great, don’t ya think? Those are our “table service” meals. Our free dining plan also comes with one “quick service” meal per day. Some of our favorite quick service stops include Cantina San Angel in Epcot and Wolfgang Puck Express at Downtown Disney.

Needless to say, I am geeking out about all the planning involved in getting ready for our trip (not just the food, I swear! That was just the most pressing matter). I’ve renewed my subscription to TouringPlans.com, and I’ve got a spreadsheet detailing the best and worst parks for each day and which day we’ll follow which touring plan of attack. They even have an iPhone app that shows current wait times! I think my iPhone might replace my trusty little notebook that contained all my spreadsheets the last time we went. Ah, technology. An OCD nerd’s best friend.



(You can find my Top 10 Disney Planning Tips here. At least those were my best tips before we actually went – here’s what I learned while we were actually there!)

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Diaperpaloooooza at Rite Aid this week!

It’s been SOOO long since I’ve hit a good diaper deal, that I just HAD to post about it!  Rite Aid totally came through for me this week!  I am now 5 jumbo packs of Pampers richer.  And not that much poorer!  Check out this post on Southern Savers for the easy version of this deal.  Mine was of course more complicated. 🙂

I did three total transactions over two days.  Because, I realized I could go back for more!  I’ll explain.

My first transaction was pretty straightforward:

2 packs Pampers $19.98 ($9.99 each)

2 packs refill Pampers wipes $11.98 ($5.99 each)

total = $31.96

-$2 Pampers coupon from P&G mailer

-$1.50 Pampers coupon from coupons.com

-$1.50 two 75 cents off Pampers wipes coupon from coupons.com

-$2 +UP Rewards from last week’s visit

= $24.96 + tax, and I got back a $10 +UP reward for buying $30 worth of P&G products

NOW – the fun part.  The diapers also counted for a promo where you buy $25 worth of baby care products, you get back a $5 +UP Reward.  So I had $20 towards that reward. Sadly the wipes didn’t count for that one, but I needed wipes so I got ’em.  Therefore, I did another transaction to get this reward and some other things. I bought:

1 Pampers jumbo pack $9.99

1 Playtex Winnie-the-Pooh cup $4.49 ($4.99  but I got my 10% wellness + discount on it since it was “regular price”)

1 Colgate 360 toothbrush – clearance $1.99

4 Cadbury creme eggs $2.36 (you know, because I needed some FILLERS, not because I am obsessed with them)

total = $18.83

-$1.50 Pampers coupon from coupons.com

-$4 Playtex baby item Rite Aid in-ad coupon

-$2 Colgate toothbrush Rite Aid in-ad coupon

-$.75 cents Colgate printable coupon from coupons.com

-$10 +UP Rewards from previous transaction

= 58 cents + tax, and I got back the $5 +UP Reward for buying $25 worth of baby products

THEN, I realized from my receipt that the limit on baby product deal was TWO.  SO I could do that again.  I had $5 credit toward that because I’d bought $30 worth of Pampers and you only needed $25 to get the reward.  So, if I bought 2 more jumbo packs of Pampers, I’d get another $5 +UP Reward.  BONUS – I’d also gotten a $2 off Playtex coupon in my email by signing up for Playtex’s newsletter. So, I planned to get another sippy cup and get overage.  Also, my Rite Aid had another clearance Colgate toothbrush so I planned to get another one of those as well and get overage.  My plan worked ALMOST perfectly –  I somehow lost one of my Pampers coupons! So I cost myself $1.50 with that mistake but it all still went pretty well.  I got:

Two more jumbo packs of Pampers $19.98 ($9.99 each)

Playtex Winnie-the-Pooh cup $4.49

Colgate toothbrush clearance $1.99

total= $26.46

-$1.50 Pampers coupon from coupons.com

-$4 Playtex Rite Aid in-ad coupon

-$2 Playtex manufacturer’s coupon

-$2 Colgate Rite Aid in-ad coupon

-$.75 Colgate manufacturer’s coupon from SS insert

-$5 +UP Rewards from yesterday’s transaction

=$11.21 + tax, and I got back another$5 +UP Reward

So, all in all I spent $36.75 + tax for 5 jumbo packs of Pampers, two refill packs of wipes, two Playtex sippy cups, two Colgate toothbrushes, and 4 Cadbury eggs.

And I have $5 +UP Rewards for next time. I. AM. HAPPY!

Please Note!!!!! The baby care deal where you get the extra $5 +UP, is over TOMORROW, March 6th.  The P&G deal, where you get $10 +UP, is good all week.

One  other note: We REALLY needed wipes and we only had 1.5 packs of diapers left. I was getting nervous about both of these situations.  Also, just yesterday morning before I saw this deal I was complaining to Bobby that we were low on sippy cups.  I see this deal as just another way God meets our needs and honors my attempts to be frugal.  And I want to make sure I say that loudly!

Happy Shopping!

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D is for Drama

I named my daughter Sophia Diane, after my mother.  But the older she grows, the more I am thinking the “D” in Sophia D. Rapson stands for drama.  Because, now that we got the girl fully speech-therapized, drama is the language in which she speaks.

When we were having some downtime in our hotel during our President’s Day road trip, the kids were arguing over which movie to watch, so Bobby decided he would pick the movie for them.  His choice, Finding Nemo, caused Sophie to run from the room crying, and when Bobby went to try to talk to her about it, she responded with, “It’s RUINING MY LIFE!”

Poor girl.  Only five years old, and life’s already ruined.  By a movie that was made before she was born.  So, she really never had a chance.  C’est tragique, no?

Joshua and I were treated to another grand performance on Friday afternoon, when after I told Sophie that her turn playing Wii was over, she had a complete meltdown.  After she calmed down a bit, she still exiled herself to a corner where she spent ten minutes regaling us with a song that went something like this, “You can’t talk to me, because I’m sad. No one talk to me, because it’s not nice to talk to someone when they’re sad!  And it’s mean to make people feel sad!”

If she can just keep channeling that sadness, and take some voice lessons, girlfriend will be the next Adele in a few years.  I am confident the album Sophie: 9 will be a HUGE hit when she is in the third grade.

And when I watch her win her grammys for her follow-up albums over the years, on the tiny TV in my room at the freaking looney bin, I will be very, very proud.


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