A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words

Words with Friends? Soooooo yesterday. The interactive iPhone game du jour – DrawSomething. It’s basically the 2012 version of pictionary that doesn’t involve pencils or paper.

I just discovered it a few days ago and since then I’ve been obsessively having lots of fun playing with Tela and Celia.

I am really, really good at this game.

I mean, look at the picture I drew for Celia!

Celia decided this gem needed to be shared with the world, so she posted it to my facebook profile. Much hilarity and making-fun-of-Emily ensued. I didn’t want all of you to miss out on the fun, so I thought I’d share it here as well.

Who wants to play against me? I am willing to share my awesomeness. I invited Jenny to play but so far she hasn’t accepted. I don’t know why. She must be intimidated by my talent.

Oh, btw, the drawing up there? The word was pregnant. Get your minds out of the gutter!

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Wii Are Family

My family has quite the pasttime of late, and it is called Wii bowling!

I know, we are sooo 2009.  Really, we’ve enjoyed it since we got our Wii over two years ago, but it’s had a real renaissance in the Rapson house within the last couple months.  Both the big kids are pretty good, they’ve both even had (and subsequently lost) their “PRO” status.  The day Sophie got her PRO was like, the best day of her life!

A night at “Rapson Lanes” features trash-talking, Turkeys, spares, strikes, and the occasional total miss – but almost never a gutter ball.  We’re actually kinda good – if you take the ages of the players into account!  We always have a great time playing together, even if Daddy ALWAYS wins.

And even if we have a really tiny TV!

I love my nerdy little Wii bowling family.  Sophie and I play together all the time in the afternoon when Jonah is asleep, Joshua is at school, and Bobby is at work.  Just two girls kickin’ it with their cartoon alter egos and some shiny bowling balls.  Sometimes we even turn on the Yo Gabba Gabba channel on Pandora and REALLY light up the in-house bowling alley with our sweet dance/bowling moves.  We know how to have F-U-N!  And it’s great that it’s something we’re all always up for.

What’s your favorite family game to play?

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Pin FTW – Chicken Enchilada Soup

Welcome to week two of Pin for the Wednesdays! We were so excited by your participation in last week’s carnival, and we’re hoping that even more of you will participate this week!

Most of my Pinterest Wins have been with recipes – I love finding new recipe ideas there. (Are you following my Food and Drinks board? It’s full of pretty cocktails and cupcakes!) I think Pinterest is extremely handy for cooking… It’s my personal, digital cookbook.

This week I tried this recipe for Crock Pot Chicken Enchilada Soup from one of my favorite cooking sites, SkinnyTaste.com. The recipe wasn’t hard, but it did require a bit of preparation (this time I followed directions, don’t worry) – basically you make the enchilada sauce before throwing it in the crock pot. Despite the fact that I’d never made this particular recipe before, it sounded so delicious that I went ahead and made a double batch. I wanted to ensure leftovers!

Here’s the finished product:

It. Was. Delicious. My husband deemed it the best thing I’ve ever made, and my kids loved it too. It’s a nutritious, low-calorie, delicious meal that our whole family loved – I’d say that’s a Pinterest Win!

So, what have you been up to this week? We’d love for you to link up with your Pinterest Wins!

There are just a couple of rules:

1) In your post, please link to your original source  – the pin you got the idea from.

2) Make sure and link back to our original Pin For the Wednesdays Post here at Mommin’ It Up!

3) In the Mr. Linky below, leave a direct link to your Pin FTWednesdays post, not to your main website.

4) Totally optional – grab our cute #PinFTW button!  The code box is over there in our sidebar ————————–>

Thank you!!!

No blog? That’s ok! Leave a comment with your Pinterest Win.

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