The Dugout Hero

We’ve reviewed a lot of cool stuff in the 4.5 years we’ve be blogging, but the product I’m reviewing today is special because I totally know the person who invented it – we grew up on the same block. (She moved to Los Angeles and had a successful career in show biz. I moved… around the block.) In any case, she created a great product I think you’re all going to love.

Meet Brooke and John Isbell.

Are they cute or what?

They invented the Dugout Hero, which is a personal dugout organizer for t-ball/softball/baseball players.

As you can see, the Dugout Hero is designed to hang on the fence along the dugout, and it’s the perfect way to keep things organized. Kate’s played t-ball or softball for the past few years, and I’d estimate that the kids and coaches spent more time rounding up gloves and bats and hats between innings than they did on the field. The Dugout Hero gives kids a place to put their bat, glove, helmet, batting glove and water bottle so they know where their stuff is and can find it quickly. It also makes the dugout more organized, so the kids aren’t tripping over gloves when they’re heading up to bat. And there’s also the sanitary factor – the Dugout Hero prevents the sharing of hats and water bottles (just the thought makes me cringe!).

Note the lack of crap all over the dugout floor.

Here’s Kate checking out the Dugout Hero.

I don’t think it’s typically used by people wearing sparkly red shoes, but that’s Kate for ya.

The Dugout Hero is well-made and sturdy, and would stand up to the abuse it would take during a baseball season. It rolls up and fastens with velcro so it can be put in a bat bag for transporting… they’ve really thought of everything.

I like the Dugout Hero so much that I’m going to hang it on the wall in Sam’s bedroom before and after his t-ball season. It’s the perfect decor for a baseball nut like him!

The Dugout Hero can be purchased on their website, so go buy one for every ball player in your life – the little ones and the big ones too. You and/or your husband could be the coolest person on the church softball team, and you’ll be supporting a mom entrepreneur in the process!

The Dugout Hero such a great product that it deserves a wider audience, and you can help make that happen! From now until April 3, the Dugout Hero is competing in Walmart’s Get on the Shelf contest. You can vote through Facebook or via text, so vote early and vote often!

For more information about the Dugout Hero, visit their website and like them on Facebook. And don’t forget to vote!

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Pin For the Wednesdays – 25 Ways to tie a scarf

My winning pin for this week might be my favorite pin so far, ever.  You know, in the whole month that I’ve been on Pinterest!  But it’s a really good one, from Wendy’s LookBook, 25 ways to tie a scarf.  My original pin is here, it’s a 5-minute video tutorial of 25 different scarf-ties and it’s awesome! Since I’ve pinned it, I’ve done 4 or 5 new ties!  And I wear a scarf several times a week, so I really needed some fresh looks for mine.  Here are a couple of my favorites!

The Braid:

and the Magic Trick:


Pinterest, through Wendy, you’ve opened up a whole new world to me!
Ok, so that’s my winning pin. 25, count ’em 25 ways to wear a scarf!!

Please share your favorite Pinterest wins with us!  Link up below!

There are just a couple of rules:

1) In your post, please link to your original source  – the pin you got the idea from.

2) Make sure and link back to our original Pin For the Wednesdays Post here at Mommin’ It Up!

3) In the Mr. Linky below, leave a direct link to your Pin FTWednesdays post, not to your main website.

4) Totally optional – grab our cute #PinFTW button!  The code box is over there in our sidebar ————————–>

Ok, get linking! Can’t wait to see what pins you’ve tried this week and how they worked out!
Pin It

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Vicks “Medicine Cabinet Makeover” giveaway

I’m sad to say this post marks my last one for the Vicks Blogger campaign.  I have loved representing this great brand, and one of my very favorite tried-and-true products, Vicks VapoRub.  Sophie and I were covered in it as recently as last week when she had a virus and had to miss three days of school.  The smell of Vicks was about the only bonus of having a sick five-year-old sleeping in my bed with me!  It helped both of us rest easier.

Anyhoo, to end this campaign with a bang!, Vicks is offering a “Medicine Cabinet Makeover” to one lucky reader.  The makeover is just for the INSIDE of your medicine cabinet and includes a variety of Vicks Vapo products plus DayQuil, NyQuil, and Nature Fusion!  The winner will also receive a “Feel Better Friend” care package from Vicks as well.

To enter this contest, simply go to the Vicks VapoRub Facebook page and leave a comment on their status update “I know I feel better when I can smell _____.”  FIll in the blank by commenting with your answer!

THEN, *this is very important* – come back HERE and leave a comment on this post telling me what you filled in the blank with!  You must comment HERE to gain an entry in the  contest.   The giveaway is on this blog, not Facebook, but you must comment on Vicks’ Facebook page and then come back here and tell me what you said to enter!  One winner will be chosen at random on Sunday, March 18th at 6 PM EST. I will notfy the winner via email and Vicks will deliver your prize.  Ta-da!

Thanks again to the folks at Vicks for including me in this great campaign and letting me spread the VapoLove!


I am being compensated for my role as a Vicks Blogger.





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