How to screw up your child: a primer

Many moons ago, when Emily and I were somewhere that required us to be in a hotel room together (what conference was that, Em?), I discovered a little show on the hotel cable called Toddlers and Tiaras.  Now we don’t have cable here in the Rapson house, so even though I was trainwreck-enthralled with the one or two episodes that I saw, I wasn’t able to follow up on my fascination.

UNTIL NOW! Because ladies and gentleUPs, Toddler and Tiaras is now on Netflix!

And I am again transfixed.

But not by the toddlers or their tiaras.

BY THE MOMS. I don’t want to overgeneralize, but I would say about 80% of these ladies scare the living crap out of me.  They are either a) delusional b) overwhelmingly controlling c) nucking futs crazy or d) all of the above

Here are some special quotes from some of the featured pageant moms that really drive the crazy home:

From a mom of two girls who do pageants, ages 2 and 5, talking about how each pageant dress can cost two to three thousand dollars, “I don’t know what I wouldn’t pay to have them do what they want to do.”

Lady, I hope your home foreclosure went real well.

Here’s another beauty (pun intended):  “Some people might think that it’s crazy to shave a seven-year-old’s legs, but it helps her spray tan stay on better.”

My bad. When you put it that way, it’s perfectly reasonable.

From a mom of two boys, ages 23 months and 3 1/2 years (yes, boys can be in pageants!): “When I see little girls, I always think, ‘I can turn my little boys into little girls.  They can be the little girls that I don’t have.'”

WHAT!?!?!?  Please Jesus, let’s hope she saw herself on video and immediately checked into a counseling center.  And the boys too.

From the mom of a seven-year-old: “I prefer her tanned.”

Well then maybe you should have married a darker man, lady. Because white + white = WHITE.

And here’s a couple they ALL say:

“HI my name is “_____” and  my daughter “_________” knows how to stand out in a crowd.”


“When ______ gets up on stage her personality just shines!”

Barf barf barf.  Her personality probably shines just about everywhere.

And here’s one of my favorite quotes from a 10-year-old pageant pro: “I like to do pageants because you get to be perfect.  I LOVE being perfect.”

Oh, that’s not sad. Not sad at all.

Do your daughter a favor: don’t put fake hair, fake skin color, fake teeth, and adult makeup on her, don’t spend thousands of dollars on dresses and spray tans and fake nails and coaches, just don’t!  No matter how much “she” wants you to.

Or, do.  And let it be filmed for a reality show.  Because I. will. watch!

I know TLC probably just chooses the craziest to showcase, and that most pageant parents are just nice, normal moms like me. (heh.) Oh wait, I KNOW NO SUCH THING.  But if showcasing the craziest cases was your M.O., TLC, then well done!


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Listerine and Reach Healthy Habits for a Lifetime

I posted a few weeks ago about my parenting fail regarding dental hygiene, and that we’d signed up for the Listerine and Reach Healthy Habits for a Lifetime challenge.

I’m happy to report that while we’re not perfect, we’re doing a lot better at our house.

I’ve started flossing. I know. It’s miraculous. But when I floss and use Listerine Total Care rinse, I can’t believe how much cleaner my mouth feels (and is!).

My kids are all about using Listerine Smart Rinse too, which is great, because their brushing skills are still slightly suspect.

We hung this paper in our bathroom and the kids checked off each day, helping them to get into the habit of brushing/flossing/rinsing.

If helping your family establish better oral care habits is something you’d like to work on, click here to access to tips from leading dental experts and great values and prices on oral care products.

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An at-last accomplishment and a $75 giveaway!

There are a lot of things I want to do that I say I’ll do “when I get around to it.”  Or, “when I have the money.”  Or how about my favorite, “When I have the time.”  The reality is that only a small percentage of these things will ever get done.  But there are a few things in life I’ve managed to actually take the time to accomplish that were totally worth it.  Time+ effort paid off!  A perfect example of this is the “fun room” that I posted about a year ago.  We lived in our house TEN YEARS before we ever turned our useless, waste-of-space mud room into a beautiful, functional art room for the kids.  Not only did it take a long time for us to finally DO IT, but it took a lot of time to physically accomplish the transformation – researching and finding the appropriate furniture, cleaning the room, painting the room, arranging all the kids things in an organized manner, and of course, the 50 bajillion coats of chalkboard paint and dry erase paint Bobby had to put on the opposite sides of our door in that room!

But all that hard work and time we invested totally paid off!  In the year since we accomplished this big task, we’ve made so many good memories in that room!  Like this one:

Joshua, Sophie and I were making a Jack O’Lantern craft in October.  We’ve spent so much time making things together in this room.  This is also where Sophie and I did all of our work together to help her overcome her developemental delays. As a matter of fact, we still often call it the “Mommy-Sophie time room” even though it’s for everyone, because Sophie and I spent SO much time there accomplishing THAT big achievement!

Ok, so why am I telling you all about my great accomplishment?  Because the good folks at Quaker Oats asked me to spread the word about a great accomplishment of theirs that has been a loooooooong time coming. As in, 130 years long!  Quaker, the Oatmeal experts, have finally…made…COOKIES!! Delicious oatmeal cookies!  Can you believe they never had cookies before?  Me neither.  I got to sample some of the soft-baked oatmeal cookies and they are delicious!  Joshua and Sophie loved them too.  They come in five yummy flavors, Apple & Cinnamon, Banana Nut, Chocolate & Almond, Raisins, and Cranberry & Yogurt.  All made with the Quaker oats you’ve loved for-EV-er!  Get them at your local grocery store and you’ll be really glad Quaker finally accomplished this feat!  These cookies are well worth the wait.

To celebrate finally accomplishing oatmeal cookies, Quaker is giving away a $75 Visa gift card to one lucky reader! (You could buy A LOT of Quaker cookies with that!)  Here’s how to enter to win this dough!

1) Leave a comment on this post telling  me something that was worth taking the time to accomplish in your life.

2) “Like” Quaker’s Facebook page and then come back to this post and leave a comment telling me that you did.

3) Follow Quaker on Twitter and then come back to this post and leave me a comment telling me that you did.

**Leave a separate comment for each entry! Up to 3 entries!*

One winner will be chosen at random on Saturday, March 23, 2012 at 6 pm EST.

Good luck!  I can’t wait to hear all about your accomplishments!


This post is sponsored by Quaker.  All opinions about the super-delicious cookies are my own!

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