Giveaway: Overnight Stay at Kalahari Resorts!

This weekend, our families spent an amazing weekend at a blogger event at Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Ohio. I thought it was going to be fun. Everything our families do together is fun – add in a water park? Good times.

I was not prepared to be blown away by the resort itself.

Here’s a little secret about me – I am a hotel snob. I’ve spent years perfecting my skills on Priceline, making sure my family stays in top-notch hotels for affordable prices. And I compare everything to Disney.

Let me reiterate – I was blown away by this place.

Jenny’s going to delve deeper into the accommodations later in the week (which will include another overnight giveaway!), but I’m here to tell you about the heart of Kalahari – the water park! Check this out:

Kalahari Resort is America’s LARGEST indoor waterpark. It’s huge! Here’s a pic Jenny took while we were there:

Kate and I particularly loved the Zip Coaster – 500 feet of freefalls, dips and turns. All of our kids loved the 12,000 square foot wave pool – I think we all spent more time in there than on anything else! Jenny left Jonah with her parents for the weekend, but we did check out the Kids Safari, which would have been the perfect place for him to hang out all weekend.

Kate and Bobby were the only daredevils in our group who had the nerve to try out the FlowRider – a five-foot ocean-like wave that shoots out 50,000 gallons of water each minute. It looked so fun!

After such a daring feat, Kate needed to rejuvenate, so she took a minute to hang out in the cabana.

To me, the cabana was one of the best parts of the water park – it gave us our own little “home base” where we could all meet, eat, and relax. Comfortable chairs and a television made it the perfect place for downtime or a nap – for the kids or grown ups! Jenny and I chilled in there while we hosted a Kalahari Twitter party that afternoon. Did I mention there’s free wifi throughout the entire resort??

Needless to say, the kids all had a blast.

But this? Might have been my favorite moment.

The best Santa I’ve ever seen was there to greet the kids in the evening. Sam is positive that he was the real one.

Want to experience this for yourself?? We’re giving away a one-night stay!

Here’s the small print:
The voucher will include:
– A one-night stay in a Hut or Desert Style room
– Complimentary Safari Outdoor Adventure Park Passes
– NOT VALID: Friday and Saturdays. Blackout dates include November 21-22, 2012, December 21-January 5, 2013, January 20, 2013, February 17, 2013, March 17-31, 2013, April 1-4, 2013, May 26, 2013, June 23 – August 18, 2013, September 1, 2013, and October 13, 2013. Please call (877) 525-2427 for availability. No cash value, expires 2 years from date of issue.

Here’s how to enter:
1) Leave a comment on this post.
2) Like Kalahari Resorts on Facebook and leave a separate comment here saying you did so.
3) Like Mommin’ It Up on Facebook and leave a separate comment here saying you did so.

One winner will be chosen at random on Tuesday, December 11th at 6pm EST.

Even if you don’t win – we’ve got a special deal just for our readers. Click here to learn more!

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Chef Boyardee #LittleChefs Twitter Party

Over the past couple of months I’ve had fun sharing with you the work I did with my kiddos on the Chef Boyardee #LittleChefs eCookbook with the Motherhood. It’s been a great campaign but sadly, it’s about to come to an end. However, we’re going to go out with a BANG, with a great Twitter party this Thursday, December 6 from 2-3 PM Eastern time. We’ll be chatting about celebrating special holiday moments while cooking with your kids and giving away five great prizes! From creating family time in the kitchen to bonding over everyday and holiday fun, we have tips and recipes for creating kitchen magic with your family. I hope you can join us!

You can see all the details and RSVP here via this Twtvite:!

To get yourself in the cooking spirit, you can also head over to Facebook to make an eCard of your family whipping up a yummy Chef Boyardee recipe!  (See the screenshot of  mine above. Don’t the kids and I make faaaaaaaabulous cartoons??) Check out the eCard feature here (and get in the kitchen with THE Chef Hector Boiardi himself!)

Can’t wait to tweet with you on Thursday the 6th at 2! See you then!


I am being compensated for my work on the Little Chefs eCookbook by Chef Boyardee and the All opinions and work are my own.

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Will he still love me tomorrow?

You guys, on Friday I nursed Jonah (aged 23 months, 13 days!!) for the last time. Hopefully. Because after nursing him, Bobby, the big kids and I took off to Sandusky to the faaabulous Kalahari Resorts with Emily and her family. But more on that later.

Jonah spent the weekend with my mom, and when we got home about 4:00 this afternoon, we had a happy reunion when he woke up from his nap. He tried to nurse pretty much immediately, and I put him off and offered him a cup. He was not too pleased with that and threw a mini-fit, and then wallered all over me for the next for-ev-er. Really, it was probably about 45 minutes or so that he alternately fussed and climbed all over me, but we got through it, and it was not nearly as bad as I expected it to be! Eventually, he let me give him a snack and he drank some from a cup. He ate a good dinner and only tried to nurse half-heartedly a couple more times.

He freaked out whenever I left his sight for the rest of the evening, but all in all, our first night of no-nursing was a success! It went a million times better than I thought it would and I’m so relieved. I’m sad that this part of motherhood is over for me, and that this part of Jonah’s and my relationship has come to an end – it was so precious! – but it is time. The child will be two on December 17th and nursing him has become more and more difficult recently, especially in the mornings when we’re trying to get the kids ready for school.

So tonight, Bobby put him to bed (which is the normal routine, he hasn’t nursed at bedtime in months) and my little baby boy went to bed, still loving me even though we haven’t nursed in two days. Even though I’d refused him.  But I must admit, as I write this, I am worried about his first morning waking up with no nursing time. I fear it won’t be pretty.

And I wonder. Will he still love me tomorrow?

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