
Let me tell you a wittle secwet. Shhhhhhhh.  Just act casual, and lean your ears this way.

Emily and I recently got iPhones.

And we pretty much think they are the proverbial cat’s pa-freaking-jamas.  We had Droids, and we liked our Droids. When they worked.  Which unfortunately wasn’t that often. So when the chance to upgrade to iPhones came, we jumped on it!

And the first app I put on my new phone? Instagram.

For months I had been seeing people post their super-awesome, funky, filtered Instagram photos on Facebook and Twitter. And now, I am one of them! An Instagrammer!  I can make myself look good with a filter even when I actually look crappy!  It’s a beautiful thing!  Here’s some proof:

Totally had a huge zit to the left of my chin here
just woke up from a nap in this one
zit above eyebrow. instagram = airbrush!

Instagram also makes your babies look even cuter than they already do!  Check it!

My cousin Lily, Emily's niece. ADORE!
Pretty, Pretty Princess Sophie
My sweet bed stealer

Finally, Instagram can transform even the most mundane household items into TOTALLY COOL WORKS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC ART!

Ariel nightlight or POP ART?
my favorite cardigan coziness
even a band aid on a knee can look super-cool!

So, thanks Instagram for helping me indulge my vanity and creativity a little more!  And thanks iPhone, for working.

What do you think? Are you an Insta-ham?

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What’s goin’ on?

Emily’s typically the Queen of the Random around here, but I am going to have to at least be a member of her court today. BECAUSE, I cannot. get. a coherent thought. together.

I don’t know why, nothing in particular is going on, or not going on, everything is just moving along.  I have recently set a Wii bowling record for myself of 268 (HOLLA!) and I got seven strikes in a row or a “seven-pack”. BOOM!  Sophie’s super into Wii Sports these days, so I’ve been getting a lot of practice in.  She is actually quite good at bowling herself with a record of 210!  And yesterday she KICKED my butt in baseball, 8-5.  She got FOUR home runs, and I was TRYING!  She’s good!

Jonah has been taking lots of STEPS this week!  It’s so exciting! He’s a hesitant walker but I am sure within two weeks he’ll be running around like a crazy person!  He is so sweet and funny, and so much fun to be with.  I am really, really enjoying this stage of his babyhood.

At occupational therapy this week, the supervisor evaluated Sophie and said she is ready to be discharged! WOOT!! So Tuesday is going to be her last day. You can expect a sappy post about it from me next week.   I am so stinkin’ proud of that girl. No more therapy of any kind, period!

My friend E’s friend, Susie, who is also a very good friend of my friends Becky and Erin, has surgery this week to remove a brain tumor.  It was freaking huge and she is 15 weeks pregnant!!!  Not to mention the mother of a three other kiddos, ages 6, 3, and 2. Baby is doing well, the surgery was a success, and they are waiting on reports to show whether or not the tumor is cancer.  There were some signs when they operated that it was malignant.  But nothing is for sure yet.  Susie is a beautiful, sweet, amazing person!  She is one of those people that you like instantly, and she and I collaborated on some things last year when E was battling cancer…it is mind boggling that Susie is going through her own health struggle now.  I’ve been praying sooooooooo hard for her the last two weeks.  It’s not like she and I are even close, we are just friends of friends who like each other, but oh my gosh she is practically all I can think about! And pray about! And so I hope you will pray for sweet Susie and her husband Ben and their three big kids and their growing baby. I know God is in control of this, I also know that He is listening to all our prayers for Susie and her family. I hope you will join the thousands that are lifting them up to Him.

Susie & her beautiful family

Well, that’s my Friday random round-up.  Hopefully I’ll get my act together over the weekend!

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TILT: Lands’ End Supima Cotton Towels

Last summer, Andy and the kids and I spent the weekend with friends in Michigan, and on our first morning there, I discovered they had the most luxurious towels. So soft and silky – and absorbent! Our towels at home push the water around more than they soak it up – they’re less like towels and more like squeegees. Anyway, I had to know where to get towels like that for myself, so I took a look at the tag and what do you know, they were from Lands’ End.

I’ve been lusting after these towels ever since, so I was super excited when our friends at Lands’ End asked Jenny and me if we’d like to review some. Let me tell you, they are just as fabulous as I remembered. They’re made from Supima cotton, which is the best cotton grown in the USA. Supima’s “longer fibers create a softer, stronger yarn, with less pilling and a smoother finish.” As a matter of fact, I have a Supima sweater on right now and it is lovely!

But back to the towels.

Jenny and I picked the monogrammed version, because really, what is fancier than monogrammed towels???

Looks like we made it….


I am not exaggerating when I say these towels brighten my day. A little bit of luxury makes the wee hours of the morning more bearable. And having nice towels makes me feel like an actual grown up.

Go get ya some!

P.S. Monogramming is FREE for a limited time!

P.P.S. Lands’ End is starting to bring out their spring and summer items, and ohmahgah I want one of everything. Check out the new arrivals here or you can see some of the new items I’m lusting after on my Lands’ End Loves pinterest board!

P.P.P.S. You can find more Things I Love Thursday posts at the Diaper Diaries!

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