More freebates at Rite Aid this week, people! Check the back page of your ad for CRAZY FREEBIES! Once again, my store had these all nicely stocked and on display up front! Woot! Here’s what I got:
I will say there was a wee bit of weirdness. The Children’s Oscillocooccinum would NOT ring up and then when it finally did, my $2 printable coupon would not work! Arrrgh! The cashier rang it up and voided it about 5 million times. It is literally on my receipt SIX times. So I left the store very confused about whether I had gotten the right price or not. From what I can tell I ended up paying 90 cents more than what I thought. But I was so glad to get out of there by the time it was all over that I didn’t care.
Simply Saline children’s $3.99
Simply Saline $3.99
Children’s Oscillococcinum $4.99
Children’s Chestal $4.99
Thermacare $2.99
Blink Tears $7.99
total= $28.94
coupons used:
-$4/$20 Rite Aid video values from last month
-$1 Rite Aid any item from video values this month
-$2 Oscillocccinum printable
-$1 Chestal printable
-$1 Thermacare video values
-$4 Peelie on Blink package SCORE!!!!
-$2 two $1 Simply Saline printables
total should have been $13.94 but it was $14.84 + $1.04 tax = $15.88
I will get back $28.94 in rebates because EVERYTHING was free after rebate!! 🙂  So, despite the confusion, it was worth it to make $13 AND get all that stuff! 🙂
Oh Rite Aid, I super love you!
Did YOU get any Freebates this week??
P.S. Check out For The Mommas to find where you can get all these printables!
Kate has developed a new habit. It’s called making crap up. The girl will tell a story when the truth would sound better.
It’s not about serious things… she doesn’t lie to try to get out of being in trouble (most of the time). Generally speaking, it’s stuff of zero consequence, and a lot of times it seems like she does it in an effort to justify her decisions or actions.
My initial reaction to this was to demand that she admit what she was saying wasn’t true, but as I continued to think about it, I wondered if it wasn’t some sort of developmental thing and maybe I was being too hard on her.
So, whaddya think? Are tall tales something to nip in the bud or are they a sign of budding creativity?
A few weeks ago I was searching Amazon for toys or games that would help me work on speech therapy with Sophie at home, and I stumbled across the U-Play Mat. And I knew instantly that I HAD to have it for her. Â I checked out the website for Play This Way, makers of the U-Play Mat, and discovered from there that they were on Twitter. Â AND that I was already following them! Â So, a few tweets later, and I had the opportunity to review the U-Play Mat Starter Set. I was totally stoked! Â And, I would like to say, my expectations were totally met and exceeded. This is a FABULOUS and fun tool. Â Sophie and I have been having a great time with it!
So what IS the U-Play Mat, anyway? Â Well, it’s too simple.
U-Play MatU-Play Mat Starter Set
The mat’s U-shape makes a nice place for your kiddo to sit in the middle while you sit across from him or her and ask questions about the cards that come with the mat. Â The starter set comes with two decks of cards, and you can do 10 exercises with each deck. Â You can purchase additional decks or you can purchase the Professional Set, which comes with everything. Â I received the starter set to review, and loved it so much that I have already ordered Sophie all the additional card sets (ok, fine Grandma ordered them for her birthday, but I ASKED her to!), so I think the Professional Set is a good investment!
Sophie and I are really loving playing with the U-Play Mat together. Â Not only is she having fun, but we are working on goals that her speech therapist has set for her AND we are spending precious time together! She is always excited when I tell her it’s time to play with her U-Play cards!
The U-Play Mat can also be used with family photos, and I’m ordering up a bunch of our family snapshots to help Sophie work on her pronouns, and answering “who” questions. Â That way I can ask her questions (and get answers!) about what the people she loves are doing in the pictures. Sophie LOVES to look at family pictures so I think this will be a lot of fun as well.
If you are considering purchasing the U-Play Mat, you should watch the video of it’s inventor, Dr. Jen, a Pediatrician and mom of two sets of twins, demonstrating how to use it. Â It’s what sold me!
But first, you can enter to WIN a U-Play Mat starter set!! Â I am so excited to be able to give one of these away to our readers! Â Here’s how to enter. Â Please note you MUST do one of the first two methods to have a chance to win.
1) “Like” Play This Way on Facebook and leave them a comment saying “I want to win a U-Play Mat from Mommin’ It Up!”
2) Follow @PLAYTHISWAY on Twitter and tweet “I want to win a U-Play Mat from @PLAYTHISWAY & @jennyitup & @momminitup!”
optional additional entry:
3) Leave a comment on this post telling me why you want to win a U-Play Mat! Â (Remember you MUST enter by either method #1 or #2 for this extra entry to count!)
One winner will be chosen at random on Wednesday, October 20th. GOOD LUCK! I am so excited already for whoever wins!
I’m linking this post up to Things I Love Thursday at the Diaper Diaries. Â Go visit to see what things everyone else is lovin’!
I solicited and received a U-Play Mat starter set from Play This Way to review. Â All the opinions on this post are my own!