Sophie’s First Haircut

Before she realized what was happening

Thursday, at the ripe old age of three years and eleven months, my little Sophie got her FIRST haircut! It was extremely momentous.

And torturous.

Because even though my friend Amelia came over to our house and cut Sophie’s hair in the comfort of her own home, where she was sitting in front of her favorite tv show, Word World, she still screamed like she was being subjected to the most inhumane form of torture known to man. As a matter of fact, the above picture was the only one I got because Sophie spent the rest of her haircut holding on to my head as I held on to her entire being trying to keep her still!

It was CRAZY! She’s such a crazy.

So, Amelia was only able to get about two-three inches off. It looks great, though, and is slightly more manageable!

My dad even noticed without being told, which impressed my socks off! Of course, Sophie IS the apple of his eye.

A crazy, tempestuous, stubborn apple. Now with nicely trimmed hair!

(Which you can kinda sorta see in this picture of her on the tractor at Young’s Dairy!)

The closest I could get to a pose!

And yes, I did save a lovely, golden ringlet for posterity. How could I not?

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20 Extra Swagbucks for new Sign-Ups!

Hurry! Now is the time if you’ve been thinking about signing up for Swagbucks and haven’t done it yet. In my Swagbucks Widget above, you can click on “Swag Codes” to check if there is a new swag code to earn bucks. There is one there good for 20 Swagbucks! Once you have the code, click “sign up” on the widget and enter the code like it shows on the photo below. Then you’ll get your extra 20 Swagbucks for signing up! Rock on!! I love Swagbucks and use it every day to search the internetz and earn Swagbucks that I redeem to get free Amazon gift cards. Have fun swagging!

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Shoe 911

I am a terrible shoe shopper. TERRIBLE. I never know what to buy… what looks right, what fits right, what’s good quality. So most of the time I just don’t buy any, and then eventually I’ll realize I go to work every day in shoes that look like this:

Aren’t they pretty?

I am SO indecisive about shoes that I walked around DSW the other day for 45 minutes, knowing I had a gift card in my purse… and I still walked out without a thing.

Another problem is that I don’t know what kind of shoes I need. I don’t know what are considered “shoe staples.”

So, of course, I am turning to all of you for help. I need to revamp my shoe wardrobe in a hurry. Any suggestions???

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